Using Xanga From Windows Mobile

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I have a Treo 800w and I was looking for a tool I can use from my phone to update my blog on Xanga. I tried using the internet explorer but finding the submit button with Pocket IE is like hitting the powerball. Next I tried email posting, wow the post showed up after about 9 hours. I started googling and eventually figured out to use Windows Writer with my Treo here are the things I did to use it.

This is for those who don ‘t know how to use Windows Mobile with Xanga.

Go to this link  Writer For Windows Mobile

Download Writer-NoInsatall-Beta2 and sync your phone with your computer and transfer it to your phone. I tried the directly downloading into my Treo. But the page keep on loading again and again.

Once you get the zip file into your Treo unzip the file and extract it all in a place where you can easily find it.

Go this folder /writer-noinstall/writer there you will find the executable named writer click on it. The writer for windows mobile application will come on. First it will ask you to do applications set up

Here are the settings.

Language -enUS

Savings Type- XML

check encrypt passwords servers

in Publishing articles I checked all the boxes

Click Save Settings.


There scroll down to Account Manager Click on the button

Click on Options–>New Account

In the Blog xmlrpc file URL:

Enter- htp://


<<<your user name on xanga>>>>


<<<your xanga password>>>



make sure the mark server automatically is checked. Click add.

You are pretty much Okay to go. Go back and scroll up and click on the button New Article… enter your post and publish it.

It works for me. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.


Hope the Windows Mobile users will be able to blog more freely.



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