Smiling Sleeper.

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From watching T.V mind really boggles by the end of day. People for Obama, against Obama, liars, cheaters, killers, molesters you name it, they all can be found when watch any new channel. You won’t miss them. So I don’t watch much of any news channel. I go online and read some news from Reuters site. That’s it, if there is some breaking news worth watch I will go and watch the news channels. That’s it.

   Well why did I said, what I said above? People need to get a life from making up things or just feeding minds that are already troubled by an economic mess. There are some readers here from my pervious blog. They know me and couple of my friend clearly predicted this mess in 2000, at that time Clinton was getting out leaving the biggest surplus in history. Now I laugh, mostly looking at the mirror. Why did I stayed here? Of all the people I had the choice of going where ever I wanted to go. But I stayed. Like at the end of the movie King Kong it is said… beauty killed the beast. Yeah, love caught me big time. I searched and searched for the following poem I wrote in 2000. Never posted this poem anywhere but this was one of the first poems I wrote in this style. Describing the surroundings first, create an atmosphere to get the reader to the core of the poem told at the end. I found the poem in an old website, they still exists. Here it is… Enjoy

Smiling Sleeper.


Creepy creatures of night screeched,

As moon like a half eaten cotton candy watched,

Deep into mind fear of night spoke,

But this uncaring lover only smiled.


Water from afternoon rain still rolled,

The pebbles through the narrow spring,

And the sleepless chameleon for a nighttime meal crawled.


Petal after petal from the bud split,

And the flower all around spread,

Scent from heavens came for lovers feel more loved.


Yet another night passing by,

As sleepless I watched,

And in deep thoughts how to make you happy spent,

Day and night in prayers that spoke words of your love,

Oh’ nothing are my efforts comparable to the love you give,

As I still can feel your love,

Even when with a smiling face you sleep.


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