My Experiment With Laziness.

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I survived the weekend aha, well I called it my experiment with laziness. That’s what I did, I just slept, sat on couch and watched a lot of T.V then I don’t know what all things I ate. But I tried my best to keep away from computers. To say it all in a nutshell… It was good.

    It is Monday, what you will get from me on a Monday after a very emotionally draining weekend? 5 min scribbles. Like I said in a post last week, these are spontaneous writings in which I pick up a thought and write it spending exactly 5 min. If I don’t get it all out in 5 min that’s a full poem.

  This one came when I asked myself  “You want a boy or girl as first child” see that was the thought, now read what came out of that thought.

 5 Min Scribbles

 Like the wings of a humming bird, brittle,

 Her eyebrows moved as in the depths of sleep dreamed,

 What dreams dances in her soul I wonder,

 But O God again and again blowing at you I pray,

 To keep away every nightmare from her innocent heart,

 And bless this blessing you gave me with every blessing of yours.


Hope you now know what gone through the mind. That’s it folks. Have a great Monday evening.




Didn’t I told you girls love to have pictures of mine on their T-Shirts. Here is one… J/K heehe I did it with PhotoFunia.Com check this site out it is amazing


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