A Chat With Life

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A chat with a friend gave me a bad news… she told me, she is engaged now and is going to get married. Great news, but she asked me to tell one of my best friends and great fan of me the news. She don’t want him to talk to her again. I know it will break his heart. But I have to do it

The poem I promised I didn’t finished I just typed this one. I have no reason to write this poem. Just typed whatever that came to my mind and then I read it. I liked it.

BlogTV life is good hehehe. I took a whole bunch of my friends and reached there. So I am not bored. Some kids are real pests there but… I always remember what my father told me sometime before he died… Respect your elders and be kind to youngsters. So I don’t ban a lot of them. It is a lot of fun there. When I get featured it makes me a bit nervous as I know I am in the front page and whoever comes to that site see me first. Daang.. then they record me.. oh boy. I am not used to that kinda focus of attention. You know I am the lonelypoet so I play my poems there, old recordings now came to use hehehe. Hope you all are finding some ways to enjoy this screwed up new year. Daang one month is almost gone. Got to go … Love ya all. Before I go… “Lady Of The Woods” nice nick… love you too. Hahaha.

Read the poem.

A Chat With Life

New Blog Post About This Poem


A hundred thunders broke the silence,
And rain in wrath fell upon with vengeance unknown,
The creepy creatures to run away tried,
But swept away in the flash flood came.

Oh’ what better way can I describe some years passed,
What wonders can I lie about to make all happy,
And I have nothing more than tears to offer,
To all who love me as who I am.

Back at my life I look,
And find it took a monster look,
Merged with fate and those crooked faces,
Oh’ it haunts in silence and darkness.

Ten thousand thunders upon head may fall,
And in the wrath of fate may drown,
But succumb I will not and in a box will sit,
But will wrap you my life as a cloak, I one day may leave.

So come to light and bring me light,
Let the forces unreal fade like shadows,
And harm none as we walk,
Leaving grudges and pain for all those crooked minds.

And bring me light from that wonderful soul,
And bring to mind every delight,
But even if you throw the dark clouds across
Between me and that loving soul

Oh’ who needs you my life to give sight,
To the feeling of love from the depths of my soul.
As there too I will wrap you life,
As the binding force of my love for her.

Cling to me O life, cling to me,
For you will see the best worker, the best faithful,
The most loyal, and above all the best lover,
Spread before me O life and let me kindle,
All those candles, the keys to eternity.

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

4 Replies to “A Chat With Life”

  1. This guy’s poetry is one thing. But when I know this poetry is comming from someone who people can compare to Hitler? I dont want anything to do with that person, even their poetry. He is using words to win people over, when he should just be himself. He kicks people out of his room, BANS them because he doesn’t like their name. He judges them on their name and not by what they think and say. He is exactly like Hitler. He should just DIE. The world could do without Hitler and the likes of this guy. Pretty soon he is gonna kick people out for their ethnicity. LONELYPOET aka POETRYBOX IS AN ASSHOLE, IDIOT, SHamefull bastard who needs to just end his life IMMEDIATELY!

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