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I thought I will bore you all with the big one. Naa I am not done yet. This old lazy bones got sick but now I am far better. So later this week I will be back at it.

In my wanderings through the net, I met a wonderfulcharacter, Alena. Like her looks her behavior is also cute. I gave her thissites name and told visit the site there are more than 400 poems here to read.She asked for the best of it. I am putting in my favorite poem of mine.(hehehe). Song Of The Dying Nightingale 

Then when were talking she asked me can you write about me.I told sure. Looking at her I wrote the first part which I gave it to her then and there. Thebottom part was written couple of days back which I added afterwords 



A thousand rays of light ran fast,
And through the eyes passed to the soul,
The wonderful smile upon a cute, cute face,
And those eyes like butterflies flickered,
The soft curly hair touched her eyebrows,
And upon the nose sunlight danced,
And upon her hair the wind danced,
And through her giggles innocence danced,
And in the depths of her mind danced,
The feeling of compassion for all living.

Oh’ Alena,

Every spring day brings a new flower,
Every summer day brings in more warmth,
Every autumn day brings a bit more cold,
Every winter day freezes  everything,
Your eyes melts the soul of mine.

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