I call this picture ‘The Beginning Of Fall’. I saw this tree in theLoudenville Town Hll Compound and took the picture of it. Just these trees are turning yellow restof the vegetation around are green.
Hello, Fellow, Xangans,
Sounds good…. Haha…well… what can I say… once in a while I need to break the silence. I am theworst kinda attention freaks around. But what to say, these days I just rollaround the corner, in some deep thoughts. What about a poem mmm nope… not today.How to reduce my every growing belly? Who is the unfortunate girl whom I amgoing to marry? These are the things that bothers me now. Hehehe. You all maythink that fasting got into my head… yeah a bit. My brain is half fried. Haven’tseen a mad Tuesday like this in recent time.
Hope everyone elseis fine…. There are people who are sick because of the climate change….get wellsoon, get well soon, as the world need more of you all than the poetry of aLonely man.
Have a great evening my Xangans… May truth bless you allwith fulfillment of all your unfulfilled wishes.