I don’t know how much time it takes for someone to say “Thank you” still it did not happen. haha.
Frustration a lot of it came out because of multiple reasons. Even at
that time I know what is going to happen. Read the poem. That’s what
Silence Of An Abandoned Heart.
Days borrowed stallions from time and raced away,
Sun leaving blisters even on the hard rock boulder,
Upon which I lie thoughtless,
The northern winds pierced,
His long cold claws deep in the skin,
But the slow dying flame inside,
Still holds warmth against the dancing freeze outside.
Time seems to have gone lost,
On its way to the sick parasite,
From my birth around me drags,
Which the materialistic world praises as life,
As unchanged remained the months passed by.
Love never sprouted out like weeds in spring,
Love never dies by the end of the warms days either,
Though so different in many ways,
Unto each others likes and dislikes we fitted,
Each other making those simple events beautiful,
And the beautiful inner selves bound together.
Oh’ how many chose the path of time,
And lost beyond every hope of recovery,
Why you chose the material path I don’t understand?
And lost from your true love, far, far away.
Oh’ my mind I opened to you,
And every word written out of my heart,
But every effort to reach out failed,
In the elusiveness of yours from me,
And the invitation to reach me,
And to learn me, unanswered.
Dreams, deep inside they still linger,
Wishes, they never found any truth,
Dreams about wishes are all I have,
As everything paused, as you are not here.
The season though with colors filled,
Could only show the end of an era,
But the beginning of another so near, I know,
Though through whatever color I understand,
And any songs of wild birds singing with frozen throats,
I tried to weave some pleasant thoughts,
But language to compose any thoughts lost,
In a mind twisted with lost love,
And a heart forever in search,
For a counterpoint of its rhythm in yours,
And keeps me alive barely,
The beat of my heart I hear not,
No verse in the language of the heart I find not,
No words in any language I know not,
To tell my soul those pleasant thoughts,
As forever, this abandoned heart remains in silence.
oh wow.
i think my favorite poem of yours yet.
breathtakingly beautiful…the wording is fabulous, the images…i can’t even pick out a favorite line or verse. this is a masterpiece. truly.
i feel like i can relate so much to this poem, in small ways…….it’s marvelous. i think i’m going to go re read it. :).
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<TR height=”100%” UNSELECTABLE=”on” width=”100%”>
<TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width=”100%” background=”” height=250 UNSELECTABLE=”off”>”thank you” sometimes the two hardest words in the world. Beautiful words,how very sad it feels.
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ok?hi wazz up?
Oh, this sounds so sad but yet it is beautiful. There is longing in these words. Beautiful.
Thanks for the comment on my site. I have to say that your poems are exquisite. The imagery is fantastical. I can imagine myself there. It touches and moves at the same time. Great stuff.
artists feel so much deeper and stronger than those who are not artistic. dunno why that is – but you’ve definately penned the pain well. it’s a vibrant hue as well
Hello Sweet Riaz~ thanks for your comments…that image was really neat. Yes, I had seen that before. Your poems are deep and revealing…thanks for writing them. luv you handsome….take care….Kimmie*
hmm *thinking of a synonym of beautiful* dazzling, exquisite,splendid, and superb!!
oh my dear friend…
i am sorry, life is just so stressing.
and i have not just been neglecting you but all my reads… and how it pains me
but i will try and catch up some tonight
& such…
Hi…hugs…seems you might need one. Silence for me is at times golden and at other times the ultimate torture. Either way I learn from it. Whether it be to listen to my heart or to stop and let time heal my heart in silence. Stay strong and thank you for always being such a wonderfully kind person with your comments.
This poem is so hauntingly beautiful!! Wonderful write!
weaving pleasant thoughts
subtly making everyones day better..
or perhaps not s subtle..
i dont know why- but i never liked my bellybutton. i neveerr like belly buttons in general. i suppose the thought of that something used to be there and it was cut off disturbs me slightly. or maybe i see it as a malfromation
even though i know it is not.
i think it is funny how different pain receptors arescrambled through different peoples bodies
for example if i push my belly but5ton my left ankle hurts, and if if i tilt my neck the right way my hip grows sore.. what a strange child i am…
a drop in a sea of saddness? hmm i dont know about that, that’s sounds awful depressing to me
i’m thinking more like a drop of saddness is in a sea of joy, its rather ironic how society has cramed and made skyscrapers in that one drop though…its so easy to camp out in the “emo world” we have made…finding god is finding the joy though..i’ve found that out.
ryc: I loved what you said about Tom Cruise. Ha ha. I always thought that he was goofy, not very deep. Now, he’s just so creepy.
i guess for me its not a matter of looking for Him…I know he’s there in everything…its just a matter of finding Him, if that makes any sense. Finding Him means laying down everything I hold dear in this sinful life and realizing that only Him can make me happy…or you happy, or anyone 🙂
be blessed this beautiful day
Abandoning the Silence of the Heart
The quiet solitude
Comforting at first
Screams in abandon
At being ignored for too long
Words that were lost in the wind
Find no solace in that
Quiet solitude