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Great day, slept at 5:30Am and woke up at 10:02 AM with a nightmare.
Yesterday I posted an idea of a poem and I got a lot of great comments on it. Thanks everyone for taking time to visit my site and posting the comments.

I am still working on that poem. I couldn’t get a good start but it is going to be a long one.

Well about the rest of the day, I started voice chatting with a friend and another one Benji called from Dubai. He is alone there with his wife back in India as she is pregnant. Then came the surprise of the day. I cannot say the name. I was forced to turn off the webcam. You figure out the rest.

Now I am back at the poem and I know I am in the with my life in it. In the meanwhile I will post a poem I wrote a while back and posted in my poetry forum LonelyPoet.Org I know most of you will enjoy this one.

And thanks again for the comments and to the people who are curious who I am I will visit your sites again and tell ya who I am or you can just visit my website by clicking the visit my website link on the left.

The wilderness passing under the light clouds,
Give every heart passions unheard,
The small plane growled its way through the low level clouds,
Luck always played its tricks on me,
Thought of sleep as the pretty faces ended up behind,
Their chit chats and giggles put me to sleep and to dream,
Lions came from all over the land, trees and sky,
They growled, jumped up and down and mated,
None tried to eat me but let me watch them play,
Loud noise, cries, pain and intense heat killed my Lion sex dream,
I saw nothing in the darkness of the blanket wrapped on my head,
Someone dragged me far and I heard a blast near by.

That’s how I explained my story to the press,
After two weeks in the middle of the Amazon wild,
The pressmen giggled and asked me more,
About living with two beautiful women in the wild,
I looked at them and yelled these words;
“In the jungle all the time I prayed,
And rest of my life to God I will pray,
Not to leave me again in the wild,
With two beautiful lesbians in love”.


15 Replies to “”

  1. thanks for the encouragement.

    I hate “poetry”… “traditionally” or whatever, you know what I mean… everything I write is poetry, everything can become poetry but then there’s the people who think poetry is made of rules and guidelines… i thought that until fifth grade and i broke into obsessions about my fave author. she is poetry, everything she does is poetry… and i finally realized that.


  2. yup yup…

    i think with being my age, barely teenager, we basically have an idea of poetry, and that’s the shel silverstein and trad we’ve seen all our lives, or else it’s just depressingdarkmeaningless junk… schools, they teach things such as techniques and everything, but only you can teach yourself emotion and meaning. schools should let us open our minds more… but i guess they don’t have time to teach us how to express ourselves deeply :/


  3. I’m sort of embarrassed that you read my xanga Only because you seem real poetic and obviously you enjoy writing poems; so do I But mine are just nothing compared to yours… I mean, I think there are different types of poetry but… man, you are a great poet!


  4. yea i havent written in a while and today was just one of those days were my heart ran free and i had to write. I dont have much time at school to finish some poems but im still in the mood to wirte. Most likely when RJ comes over i’ll be inspired to write another one ^_^

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