Renewal Of A Vow.

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This Poem Is For You Little Boss.*

I seek, I pray and I scream “Oh God Help”,
I live, I drown and in aches I again scream,
Reasons I knew at times, but mostly I know not,
Reasons of events of my past and unmoving present.

So went the blistering heat filled days into history,
When alone in my home naked and sweaty I walked,
Remembering days that wrapped me in freeze and snow,
When nothing of me to any nature made air, exposed.

Everything moved, everything moves ah’ no escapes,
As Earth itself through space moves at high speeds,
We stand, sit and sleep saying “I don’t want to move.”,
Oh’ not knowing in paused mind, we moved but life didn’t.

What all can pause mind that in turn pause life?
Oh’ questions after questions one can ask and,
Find no answers as all variable of life in the world,
Not known to all and can pause a life, pause the mind.

What questions and questions on questions one can ask,
That leaves one with no answers and unknown variables?
All of them comes from love of one form or another,
The lack of it or the abundance of it that twists and turns.

What variables be unknown to consciousness and conscience?
The ever changing world, Oh’ looks and feels the same,
The smiling faces, ah’ they hide what displeases cunningly,
All the known, ah’ even the very close then becomes unknown.

The tired man, the ever optimistic lover, Oh’, more unknown,
Love he loved lost when years passed counted to unhappiness,
Than the future happy days hand in hand spend in pleasantness,
Oh’ on that day my romantic love into her heart converged,

With a vow not to ever think about another girl in romance.
A vow every year for the rest of my life I will renew.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

*Dedication. – Poems are written with specific people in mind at times and are dedicated to them. When this poem is read and someone at some point enjoys the poem. That enjoyment always leads to a little blessing and the person the poem is dedicated to will receive that blessing.

Photo by Taisiia Stupak on Unsplash

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