Tenth Day Of July – 2019.
The waves of time of the night hit the shores,
The planets faded into the light of the rising day,
Far away stars to be meaningful blinked one last time,
And his muscle power, closest star at the world unraveled.
The morning synced with future or past I know not,
All that happened, Oh’, a misfit for the present,
And up and all around I gazed and to reality I said,
“What wrong books of fate you are reading aloud time?”.
Noon hated my soliloquy and
The heat of summer sun blaze through mid-west,
Ah’, the miracles of life may no embrace my kind,
But I will not give up on the truth of love, Little Boss.
Oh’, she defined the evening in thoughts and daydreams,
As like that lame¹ Saturn I too walked around smiling,
To what I am a blessing I will not decide for I know well,
I am the blessing of my love and that love is for Little Boss.
The night strangled the twilight and left no trace of her,
The sprinkled stars blinked like Sages opening eyes,
Someone is blessed and alone I stood in prayers,
“May one of those blessed be my Little Boss.”.
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1) In Vedic astrology Saturn is represented by a lame man. In the era of Saturn in a human life that last for 19 years. The lame man gives all blessing to that human in that era. Then at the end he ties all the blessings in his lame leg and pulls it all away. For the world, it looks as if the human just destroyed all the blessings with his own bad karma.