The Only Truth In My Life

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I told this many, many times to my readers. If you know the style with which I write you will know the origin of this poem. If you can’t figure that out, read fast as all the poems in this site will be in protected mode editing. That will tell you what it is all about.
   I recently printed some pictures using my new printer. One of the pictures I printed was that of the model I use to write poetry. Most of these poems are hypothetical scenarios made with her in mind. When I printed her picture out and looked at it I automatically took the new pen I bought and wrote the following poem.

    Still it will take a life time for anyone to understand the truth in this poem.. The best part of that poet I used as a model? By the time she reaches the second stanza she will tell what the poem is all about. The worst part the poet I used as a model? Mmm I don’t think there is anything that bad except she thinks I am madly in love with her and all these poems I wrote are my real feelings. At least that’s what I think she is thinking. Hehehe.

   The LonelyPoet will remain Lonely. To be very honest with you, I only know how to write about love. I don’t try to earn love or love someone at a deeper level at all. That’s the truth.


Enjoy the poem


The Only Truth In My Life.

The dragging of my feet I felt,

Through the sands of beach none seen,

Where every bit of sand a dream unfulfilled,

Now under the feet of mine crushed,

Feet broken by your artistic transgressions.


A believer of your soul filled poetry,

A listener to your nightingale voice,

True faithful in the love with care you gave,

Ah’ your mockery of it all made a liar of me.


Yes, to my five senses I lied,

To every feeling they gave I lied,

To every one who sensibly listened I lied.

Ah’ I never loved you was a fictitious story to the world I told,

And I smiled along with those who smiled,

When deep inside a sobbing soul I held.


The magnificence of life all around us spread,

Time at me and you in mockery giggles,

Ah’ every moment to live more I pray,

Live more, to pray for you I pray.


Oh’ all my anger I left,

All my ego and pride I left,

All emotions through which many lies I told,

Oh’ left them all in penance for the ache I gave.


No more to the world I can lie,

No more to my senses I can lie,

My love for you is the only truth in my life,

And that truth forever will remain true,

Forever will remain true.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved 2012.

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