Happiness Of Luck And Love.

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Happiness Of Luck And Love.

Summer’s fury in thick clouds and wind collapsed,
As the Sun took his chariots to south leaving a chill,
Trees shook in winds and leaves whispered prayers,
To hold on tight as autumn and winter woke up north.

Chaos ah’ humanity’s manufactured curse danced,
And people finished with all ways to divide and kill,
Weapons forged, armed to the teeth ah’ they all live,
Politicians failed in methods and policies, brewed new hatred.

Through the dark roads he drove as the cold grew in anger,
Still the daily chores without fail completed and drove home,
At his door he saw a broken legged raccoon scrambling for food,
Ah’ the sight took a beat or two of his heart in the cold and rain.

The world may throw cruel tantrums at his life,
And life in those cruelty fund brutality into his nerves,
Still deep inside stays a Soul from God’s own glow made,
And that soul told not to sleep without feeding the creature in cold.

Never cared for the cold November rain and he took,
The cat food he bought for the creatures in his backyard lived,
Laid the food and to his house with a prayer he left,
Then later in the night to see the creature ate or not he checked.

Saw the creature not high but upon the tree the raccoon sat,
And the kind man looked up at the creature to check his welfare,
But the creature as if saw a repulsive monster turned its face,
Ah’ the soul never swayed but sprouted a smile upon his face.

The smile came as he remembered a lovely girl he loved,
Loved her from his heart and soul in the best of all he knew,
But she erased her smile from her face when he told her what he felt,
And away from him looked the last time he saw her and at her smiled.

He left the creature and the night and falling rain to their chores,
When sat in the warmth of home once more soul made him smile,
For he knows the right he did and what happened in real,
Life indeed happens to people in different but mysterious ways.

Ah’ his soul to his conscience through his smile whispered,
To live in happiness without mysteries of luck and love.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2018.

Photo by Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash

A Date With Sorrow.


Blog post about this poem – Please Read This Before Reading The Poem.

A Date With Sorrow.


What name will you call me sorrow?
For in you I lost mine and also I lost,
The definitions of what made me who I am,
And all that was left were fogs of darkness.

What definitions should I give you sorrow?
As shredded verses in the depths of soul echo,
The fantastic fascinations of yours that obsessed,
In giving hope and then leaving tears upon lips.

What reason should I find in your arrival sorrow?
For with you came shadows with no figures,
And self-doubts without origins and mockery of life,
Ah’ through you gone were the smiles from faces.

Life’s cycle started slowly, so did the setting of you sorrow,
Nightmares you left made me laugh, love you took danced,
In mirages not that far. Oh’ no storm will last forever,
And no curse upon you my soul ever will leave.

All the love you took from me Oh’ they left ne sorrow,
The very definition of me I thought in them I lost,
Ah’ none of them meant to me anything of worth,
For all definitions of my own self, defined in the love of her to me.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2018

.Photo by Rana Sawalha on Unsplash

The Waiting Bride.

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The Waiting Bride

The childhood days danced through the dreams she weaved,
And in it a wonderful prince called her his princess of dreams,
Through the wonderful lands they wandered and played,
Joy and pride hid away worries of the world in charms of innocence.

Life rolled different carpets for those silky feet to walk,
And to her came faces of smiles, charms, beauty and adventurous.
Ah’ love defined in many different ways through the seasons passed,
Through it all fulfilled dreams one by one in with touches of romance.

Cycles of life Oh’ at times brought pain and she fell,
But somewhere from her soul she picked words of that little prince,
And through the fantasies all pains of a wilder world erased,
Ah’ perfection took a touch from her soul to fill the human world.

Years passed, charms have left, life with her wandered,
Nothing wrong, but no heart found the love to make her love,
And she held no hands without care but again and again lost,
Oh’ love’s spirituality in many ways by many misunderstood.

Then she settled for a man whom she thought she may love,
But the material world rumbled at her through him a flavor of love,
Ah’ she knew not about what she should do or say but said “Yes”.
The world around celebrated in colors filled joy she knew not.

On that day, the wonderful day in the hall of a church she waited,
The wrapped silk and the held flowers were no match in prettiness,
And for the world and her man to be ready at the altar she stood,
Oh’ then she heard a voice from near that said “Princess of my dreams.”.

Looked around and walked around and in a distance she found,
The man only in dreamy voices she heard but in real he stood,
And to his smile and another romantic verse she dedicated,
Her love deep in her soul all her life in waiting she kept.

And they walked away in the awe of all the fake love of the world,
And she never looked back at the colors and whistles of the world,
Where the pain of waiting she erased with a dream
And now held her hand in the fulfillment of a life time of waiting.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2018.

Photo by Petr Ovralov on Unsplash

20th Anniversary.

On October 28th 1998 from funny nicknames my friends called me and from my manager’s suggestion I made the domain LonelyPoet.Com. I remember adding the first set of poems there took nearly 15 hours figure out making HTML files and uploading it to my servers. At that time I had 20 finished poems. I grew “Much Older” and so came the onslaught of poems. Today is the 20th anniversary after nearly 1000 poems.

More to come.

The Dark Light.

Blog Post About This Poem.

The Dark Light.

Together stood facing life like a storm came,
Ah’ the passion filled our eyes and compassion in soul filled,
And lost in it all were the love for each other once we felt.

The rain grew in the silence of heart beat,
Oh’ I hear not my own heart beat for your life I dedicated,
The dreams we weaved overwhelmingly clutched my heart.

Felt a thousand questions in my mind,
Ah’ they were all repetition of the same questions wrote,
As a one liner for you to read and as an answer laugh.

The unwritten song of love Oh’ nature whispered,
And I lost the rhythm of the song I wrote for you…
Oh’ as I hear not the beat of your heart from where sprouted,

Love for me and my love found new fuel..
Light spread deeper and deeper to every corner,
Even to the depths of souls for our love prayed.

None saw nothing anymore as my mind whispered the curse,
“None more I will love as in the love lost I will live and perish”.
The prayers and love only spread the lost flames with darkness bound.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2018.

Photo by Daniel Spase on Unsplash

Ray Of Light From A Pure Soul.


Blog Post About This Poem. Please read this post before reading this poem.

Ray Of Light From A Pure Soul.

Silence inside the mind nested,
Then like migrating birds silence all around spread,
And through many paths gone,
Where darkness in celebration danced,
Celebration of loneliness and heartless immorality.

Oh’ life by wrongdoings and mistakes shredded,
Then by stormy thoughts scattered,
Paths passed by lies, deception, tears and prayers filled,
Tears shed to correct the incorrect and failed,
Prayers prayed seeking forgiveness of sins committed,
Oh’ life left sarcastic smiles upon a bruised face.

Every moment left nightmarish memories,
And through it all unheard, unsought and unloved lived,
Words can’t describe the squeezing feeling,
And screams can’t relieve the pain, excruciating.

Meaningless, aimless days spread to weeks,
And weeks to months and they all pushed,
Through years of a rejected mind filled with lonely dreams.

 Oh’ a lover, who loved and became a poet,
A poet who only wrote about love,
And only by disappointments loved,
And by faceless phantoms in fantasy of expected reality.

 Light lost its meaning from a darkened life,
Though the sun still shined way above,
And that darkness through every view spread,
And it was in the dance of darkness, silence joined.

 Oh’ how many times into the dark hole fallen,
And every time in hope looked, deeper and deeper fell.
Then came a girl as a ray of light,

Brighter than the sun she shined,
Warmer than all love existed, warmth she spread,
Beauty of a soul she shown,
Beauty of character she shown,
Stretched to her arms and soul with innocence filled charms,
And in front of it all dissolved the darkness surrounded.

Every word she spoke, every gestures she shown,
Oh’ woke up a mind forever in virtual death left.
By the hard rock tunes silence subdued,
Mind too danced in joy and hope,
And dreams weaved in virtue of promises and shared love.

 Oh’ two passion filled eyes in that ray of light seen,
Those thick red curly hair and in the middle a wonderful face,
But through it all everyone looked felt, a loving soul.

 But for her all a game in a wild and virtual world,
The smiles and laughs, the silly jokes and remarks,
Her anger and sadness and the command of the boss,

Oh’ she in her awe forgot,
Games in a younger world changed,
Into serious reality, right under her nose,
Amid the chaos of a wicked world, she forgot,
A poet wrote the reality of her love she misunderstood,
Even when she rejected the love offered she forgot
An empty soul she has not.

In words and deeds apologetic she turned off,
The ray of light that spread hope and love,
Leaving soul once more in the clutches of love,
Only disappointment in colorless images can give,
But the light she left in soul remained,
Yet another face embedded in soul,
But as a ray of light in dark paths ahead forever will shine.
© LonelyPoet – All Rights Reserved – 2008.

Photo by Tiko Giorgadze on Unsplash

Fluttering Promises To A Boss.

Blog Post About This Poem – Please Read This Before Reading The Poem.

Fluttering Promises To A Boss.

Question me not in the paths I take,
Where phantoms behind veil of dark hide.
Walk not ahead of me,
For, you will slow me down,
Walk not behind me,
For, you will fall back,
Walk with me to future times,
Where in held hands promises will flutter,
The promise of shared gladness kept,
In cocoons of love nests we built,
From which in fulfillment they evolve,
Into the happiness of those times.
Walk with me in command holding hands,
Celebrating every moment here on Earth,
And hereafter in what we leave for time,
To celebrate that which we know nothing.
May our romance be the command of your thoughts.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2015.

Photo by Daniel Monteiro on Unsplash

She – Twenty – The Last Love.

Blog Post About This Poem.

She – Twenty.
The Last Love.

Fabricate to me mind, a dream I never wished to see,
Where no fantastic beauties love me with smiles charming,
My mind into blending the gone by days to the day of now,
And events fogged and appears as truth of promises of morrows.

Pump blood through my veins that fuels the love of mine,
Show me the veil-less face of love with my love I can adore,
Fill my flesh and skin with passion a truth filled lover can feel,
Oh’ soul absorb all and sprout for her my flower of love.

And through the valleys of reality slowly I walked,
There are no dreams, there are no promises,
The ever speaking conscience slept, intoxicated in love,
Ah’ wishes looked for hopes for her eyes filled with love.

Oh’ Love trapped in a square with unseen boundaries of time.
Age neither made me old, nor tired me as a sleepless lover,
But words with a million thorns bled soul with unhealable wounds,
She, hid away behind a veil of colors that lost compassion.

Aah’ love left to drown remained afloat losing no colors,
Took her image and embedded deep into soul in all her charms,
Where forever to keep every cell in material and spirit vowed.
The truth of a poet’s love, the only love, the last love.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2018.

Photo by Isaac Castillejos on Unsplash

My Choice.


Blog Post About The Poem.

My Choice.

Choose your girl, choose your girl, world screamed,
They screamed then and they screamed later and they scream now,
Choose your girl, choose your girl.

I looked around and many pretty faces I saw,
Then I took my eyes off them and to the world I screamed.
“I chose a girl, the prettiest girl my eyes ever saw,
Every art she mastered and every letter I wrote she inspired,
Refined my love in the language of the heart,
I chose her not because of her beauty or because of her talents,
I chose her because in the hundreds of heart beats of her I felt,
One beat just for me, so I chose her and I prayed,
Oh’ God let her understand my love and make her love me,
Ah’ God decided to test me with what I cared most,
She loved at least three others but not me.
So no choice I can make no more love I can give,
My choice, God knows well is her, my only darling,
So scream at me not about choosing love,
Nor scream at me about choosing a girl.”

With a sigh I looked around and I saw
A squirrel busy hiding a nut,
With his ass right at my face.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2013.

Photo by Jon Ly on Unsplash

Circus Clown.


Blog Post About This Poem. Please Read This Post Before Reading This Poem.

Circus Clown.

Dreams, memories, paths passed,
Oh’ how wonderfully ecstatic all were!!.

Lights in dreams turned off,
Memory lines Blocked.

Oh’ how foolish you were to step on that treadmill,
Set, executed with all bells and whistles.

What hurts more is the knowledge,
How pathetically I failed to save you from it all.

Now that your life as a fantastic ‘circus’ you celebrate,
Why not forget the past?
Why not forgive each other?
Why not hold the hands in union for the future?
Hey’ Every ‘circus’ needs a clown isn’t it?


Photo by Kevin Hellhake on Unsplash

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