Pathos On A Broken Record

Nights condensed and thrown millions of pearls,
To fascinate your eyes, mind, and that little heart,
Day followed uniting every bit of light sprouting,
Smiles upon your face in the simplistic verses you read.

Small town, silly school romances, friends and foes you had not,
Then through blogs, verses, and comments, he came a friend or foe?
None knows human minds, as life cycle took you round,
Round and round life went, life’s colors round and round lost.

Then when he told you are more than a friend, he felt,
Ah’ deep down the spine of yours a twitch you felt,
Fear of the unknown, fear of the unseen ah’ sleepless your sat,
Feeling the unknown, hands raised in prayer he said, “O’ my love”.

Little heart, innocence-filled heart but a kind heart, yours,
Even the smallest sway in the connection both felt,
Left shivers down the veins that made you both run,
Didn’t you understand your own love Oh’ darling of him?

Like a broken record, he spoke and spoke,
Like a broken record life took him round and around,
Surprised you, scared you, sleepless wept,
Ah’ the unknown man, unheard man, forever you left.

Time passed, a pathos from that broken record again and again heard,
No words, just a tune that spoke more than words,
A lover in all truth lost, a lover who lost his words,
Then some images he saw in his mind, gave him speech.

“Fear not the love of mine, O’ love of mine,
Fear not what you know not O’ love of mine,
Fear not the essence of thy life O’ love of mine,
Fear not to hold my heart in your soul O’ love of mine,

For in the shattered world of romance you and I,
Took baby steps and fell and another fall you fear?
Make thy fear the power of your words and speak,
To a man who seeks thy love, O’ love of mine.”.

That broken record kept on playing the pathos again and again.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2015.

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Circus Clown.

Dreams, memories, paths passed,
Oh’ how wonderfully ecstatic all were!!.

Lights in dreams turned off,
Memory lines Blocked.

Oh’ how foolish you were to step on that treadmill,
Set, executed with all bells and whistles.

What hurts more is the knowledge,
How pathetically I failed to save you from it all.

Now that your life as a fantastic ‘circus’ you celebrate,
Why not forget the past?
Why not forgive each other?
Why not hold the hands in union for the future?
Hey’ Every ‘circus’ needs a clown isn’t it?

Love Her Like Me

I happen to login to one of my old FB accounts which is not blocked by a girl. I like all that I saw except that this someone who is with her. Call me whatever you want just thought I will check how she is.. then I remember a song, Listen to it or just read the lyrics, you will get the point.

Love Her Like Me.

Music: Elton John
Lyrics: Bernie Taupin

You can take her
Make her change her name
You and your old money
Dance around the flame
But you can never, never love her like me

You can charm her
Calm her when she’s wild
Show a little comfort
Play with her inner child
But you can never, never love her like me

So I just close my eyes and steal her away when you sleep
Sneak her in my dreams every single day of the week
You may have her in the real world but if you could only see
How we rock this room in the twilight zone
And you can never, never love her like me, yeah

You can warm her
Charm her with your style
I know you convinced her
She’s the love of your life
And no, you’ll never, never love her like me

You can bless her
Keep her conscience clean
You can undress her
Go all the places I’ve been
But you’ll never, never love her like me

Love Her Like Me

In the eternal sadness of losing you.

Many many times I knocked, none answered,
I knocked and knocked now it is just a habit to knock.

I wrote those lines and said ‘Oh man you are fucked up’ then I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up to see the movie I was watching on HBO got over the actress(Greta Gerwig) looked so good then I thought about a girl…. yeah my girl
I thought about her you morons.. I thought about my girl. I am fucking insanely in love with her.. Now when I see anything beautiful I think about her.
She can fuck any mother fucker out there but there is no mother fucker out there who can love her like I do. Life is brutal yes a sadistically brutal monster. But I will live through it all.. defining in everything I feel a new way to love her. mmuuaaah..good weekend.

ps: I checked .. sign in lock and followers lock blah blah blah…. I will try to find love for you in my eternal sadness of losing you.

A Spiritual Journey

A Spiritual Journey.

The ways we passed O’ sweetness the way we passed,
Now lie wild with darkness and silence filled,
Does it make you happy to leave roads that made you glad,
And dance through the concrete canyons where you are lost.

Spit at me for the wrong I said,
But those phantoms in your anger died and buried,
Now how I erase the fear in you
The answer I know not so no question mark I wrote.

A new way I will pave not,
As every corner shows another way,
But the way in my soul I find with your face painted,
Ah’ even when eternal sadness surrounds me,

I chose a spiritual journey than all other fake smiles.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2013.

My Choice

Choose your girl, choose your girl, world screamed,
They screamed then and they screamed later and they scream now,
Choose your girl, choose your girl.

I looked around and many pretty faces I saw,
Then I took my eyes off them and to the world I screamed.
“I chose a girl, the prettiest girl my eyes ever saw,
Every art she mastered and every letter I wrote and write she inspired,
Refined my love in the language of the heart,
I chose her not because of her beauty or because of her talents,
I chose her because in the hundreds of heart beats of her I felt,
One beat just for me, so I chose her and I prayed,
Oh’ God let her understand my love and make her love me,
Ah’ God decided to test me with what I cared most,
She loved at least three others but not me.
So no choice I can make no more love I can give,
My choice, God knows well is her, my only darling,
So scream at me not about choosing love,
Nor scream at me about choosing a girl.”

With a sigh I looked around and saw a squirrel busy hiding a nut,
With his ass right at my face.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2013


The greatest achievement of emotions is the love one feel from the one you love. The greatest failure as a human is the denial of that felt love.

With sadness he slept,
And dreams about her gave him smiles,
The little gladness the dreams gave,
Gave him energy to wake up,
Reality made him sad again,
And in tears he fell asleep,
And I prayed,
“ Oh’ god let him sleep until the love wake up without dreams”.
The prayer accepted, and I cannot wake the poet anymore.

A Melancholic Mockery

Xanga is back. I hope my blog will stay here for good. I thought of moving on and told many excuses to stay back. I even told lies to get back in here after closing it many times before. There is a reason for me staying, it may sound very stupid. Every day I see a visitor at odd times coming to my site (I believe I know who that is) it is for that girl I kept this open and it is for her pleasure I write. When I say pleasure it may not be always happy, romantic poems I write. I mix every emotion so she can feel the sadness, anger and love through her senses. This whole thing is just for that. Now the pleasure of knowing that she comes here is over as Xanga changed the software and the trackers won’t work anymore. I have no intention of writing a new tracking software too. I guess she will come and read and enjoy my writings in her own way.

As for me…this is all becoming a…..

A Melancholic Mockery.

The graceful day through time passed,
Some part of time like a villain laughed,
Other parts like a romantic hero conquered,
Loved life in time’s adorable simplicity.
But love in the lap of time faced,
A melancholic mockery.

Passion sought, compassion offered,
Ah’ romance never became contagious,
Dreams weaved, promises given,
Oh’ why would one hide love in riddles of verses?
Ah’ the answer is a `romantic blasphemy’.

Wishes written, misunderstandings burned,
Future blurred, chaotic confusions created fear,
Rolled past, the errors of the past,
Too late, it’s too late, screams of time, echoed.
The melancholic mockery, a painful reality.

Sightless smiles, soundless songs,
Ah’ the wonders of love, only through those, known.

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