The Whispering Witches.

The Whispering Witches.

The settling summer dust I watched,
Those left over by the winds that left,
I pity them when upon them I walked,
Ah’ with a wicked smile upon those dusts I walked.

Sarcasm all around me echoed,
And beneath a face warmth of summer buried,
A face without a loving smile left.

She left leaving a heart in pain,
She left an emptiness all around,
She left a mind to weave nightmares,
She left me in the chaos of self doubts.

Let her go, reasoning inside mind spoke,
Let her go, conscience told,
Move on, many modern day folks told,
And to all with sadness filled anger I asked,

“Where were all of you when to win her heart I fought?
Why did you all stood as a standard and weaved?
An ego in my mind no love can penetrate?
Ah’ why didn’t I listen to her heartbeat and danced,
When you all, the whispering witches, day and night haunted?”

The settled summer dusts shown,
My own footsteps far away from reality,
The world of love fell apart burying,
A pair of footsteps whispering witches around me searched.
Footsteps of a face without a loving smile left.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2013.

Forever Continued

I have some allergy problems. I feel like something is crawling between my knees and foot and there is nothing to be found. It kinda irritates me to the core of my nerves. Well, nothing can irritate me more than knowing the reality written in this poem. Go figure. Anyway.. I’ve had a great weekend and now preparing for a blast during the Harley Davidson Festival in Milwaukee during the weekend.
Have a great night!!

Forever Continued.

The fallen dream looked up at the falling leaves,
And fall buried the dream under, unrecognizable,
Every bit of life stood against the love felt,
The pen moved on paper, ah’ verses in essence of her fashioned.

Left the last dream beneath that pile of rubble,
Rubble of the ruins of my life without her,
Oh’ those dreams without her like fish out of water,
Died without breath trying to suck every bit of me for her meant.

Love for her became a penance standing,
Inside a furnace but without withering I stood,
Oh’ what wonderful ways to dislike me she found,
Still in many wonderful ways the bit of love in her for me I praised.

No forgiveness I searched nor any regrets I felt,
As forever the only love I felt from her is a bubble washed ashore,
In the sea of love to another she give,
Spreading that little bubble all around me ah’ my penance I continue.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2013

In The Rhythm Of Your Heart

I bought a new computer. No simple teen weeny laptop or the girly touch screen ipad/notepads. A massive desktop. 32GB-RAM 3TB HD and all the goodies that goes with it. Cost me about $2400. You know what this means… I am going to be back doing shows.. so poetry haters beware, poetry lovers…. here I come. May take couple of days to figure out this Windows 8 OS. Enough of all that.
Here is my latest, sweetest and greatest poem…

Have a sweet, sweet day.. I hope I will be able to make one more post before leaving town for the weekend.

In The Rhythm Of Your Heart.

The inner child woke listening,
To the lullabies I wrote and sang,
Oh’ those songs for you I wrote,
For your happiness I wrote,
For your peace of mind I wrote.

That little child with baby steps walked,
When about to fell held my index finger and stood,
Then giggled in gladness, filled with innocence,
Wiping away all anxiety, smiling for love,
Ah’ smiling with love when those songs he heard.

Years passed, the child never grew,
A lot more than tunes he learned,
When new patterns filled with your silhouette given,
Ah’ learned he to dance to tunes unheard,
Learned he, to gather new rays of sun to see.

Drifting through my mind and listening about you he learned,
Only your happiness can give him peace,
Only your smiles can make him smile,
Only your peace can make him sleep,
And for that without stop he danced;

In the rhythm of your heart.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2013

The Learned Lessons

A week that started in turbulent ways ended very peacefully. I love that… Love.. hmmm I know what it is…it is a kite I tried to fly and broke away from my reality.

The Learned Lessons.

Heartfelt the wonder of love,
Heartless-life became senseless,
Silence with wrath wrapped,
Ah’ to recover the lost love I tried.

The lessons again and again learned,
The misfit mongrel for love should not wish,
About love when suggestions and gestures spoke,
Louder than words the dislikes of mind.

Learned the lesson to live with disappointments,
Learned the lesson to live unloved,
Learned the lesson to remember her in everything good,
And learned how to sing lullabies and put to sleep the awaken hopes.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2013.

Addiction To A Pain


When he first met her she had a boyfriend. There were many poems written, seasons passed, disagreements, arguments, she changed boyfriends, He tried to find other women. She declared him as a ‘self proclaimed’ in his art in a good way and asked him to move on many times. He tried to move on but his movements were circular and still is circular. He is not a critic of things but I ended up criticizing her and her anger was felt miles away. He tried to move on again and tried and tried and tried now tired. He cannot look back, he cannot look ahead…he looked above, he only felt that there is only one thing consistent in her life…him. He smiled and his smile became a laugh of insanity…. “Beautiful Insanity”

Now read This.

Addiction To A Pain.

The evening before smiling faces opened,
The gruesome summer rain all around horizons lingered,
The dried out skin with sweat melted,
Ah’ the frowning brows bended like a stretched bow,
Ready to fire arrows of romance in the smile,
Just upon the lips sprouted,
When another dream about her, mind weaved.

Then to his mind he said,
“Never forget a smiling face;
though smiles are given for free,
a smile from the depth of the heart is in rarity these days.”

The dream never saw springtime,
As life filled with fogs of doubts,
And growling from nothingness heard,
And fear filled, where love to sprout, failed

Then a monster with thousand heads birthed,
Each head held venom of a thousand serpents,
But in hunger the monster wandered,
Nothing in sight, nothing can be heard,
Thirst and hunger Oh’ unbearable became,
And the monster found its food and drink in abundance,
Inside the silence of her into which it preyed,
And into her silence it rolled.

Every word of her love he wants to hear,
Every smile of her filled with her care,
Every thought in her about him he thought she held so dear,
Ah’ all in despair said, wrote and all received,
The venom of a monstrous serpent that hurt without wounds.

Though age left his mark upon him,
And time will scratch him beyond recognition,
Still the vibrations of his soul will find ways to stay addicted,
To the pain of the venom of the monster rolled in her silence.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM.All Rights Reserved-2013.

A Reality I Know And Care.

If I say Welcome Back that not be enough. I thought this site is going to be lost like I lost BlogTv.Com. But with the good and hard work of many we made it out fine I hope it stays afloat forever from here on. So here I am once more re-opening the PoetryBox. I have closed this many times before but this time I promise. I will not close it again for any reason at all.

 As a poet I haven’t changed much I need a direction though. I tried to think through many past events to be in a better state in the future. What it all lead me to believe is the following reality… the only reality I know and care.

A Reality I Know And Care.

Simple actions in the age of naivety,
When understood, ah’ arrows of love already been fired,
Air Mother Nature spread pierced and set ablaze,
Oh’ like a promise given, I know not to take arrows back.

No demeaning words of mine will taint you,
No chaotic thoughts expressed in verses can paint,
The reality of all the feeling I feel,
Nor the pain of the uncut wounds I feel.

My love for you is as real as light with which you see,
My love will become more real when in darkness you will see,
Nothing shinning, nothing on fire, just light of my love I wish,
You felt just as I once felt the love of yours.

That’s the only reality I know and care.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2013.

Good Bye

Today July 7th 2013 summerfest officially got over but not summer.. Most of my early summer parties are done in a way I wanted. I basically moved to Milwaukee for the summer here. Watch the last of the so called ‘system of records’ embedded along. Beware, my language goes pretty bad towards the end. But that’s the way I can put many things as life itself is evolving into explicit chaos.

Well I am going to get the chaos into some order in the next one month. I have to do it, as one full month of fasting, meditation and prayers starts tomorrow.  When I come back to full fledged postings… well .. there probably won’t be a xanga for me to make postings. So this is it folks. I had one of the greatest time of my life as a blogger, I met great people and experienced some great readings here.. Good Bye Xanga as we know it.

 Yeah I thought of speaking about someone I met here.. but she is right now in a tent mixing music with another guy. Yesterday in my system of record drive show I told, I should have been the one in that tent with her, helping her to mix music. Life went in wild ways and made me wild and weird now I am sitting miles away. Am I disappointed? I was, not is, I will not be. That’s it with that.

 It was a great time during this summerfest, I enjoyed every bit of it. I will be back at the summerfest grounds for the 110th Harley Fest. Life goes on and the thrill of life is there in every moment of life. I won’t define that thrill ahead that gives life something extra, in the rights and wrongs of life. I love you all no matter what and hope I will get some in return and will be in all of your prayers.

Drive Live–System Of Record


here are my Facebook Credentials   (one can only follow me here as I have more than 5000 friends in this account. I will follow you back) This is my Facebook page. I will be concentrating my posts here mostly. 

This PoetryBox is Closed.

Silent Island

It is really sad to hear that Xanga as we know it is ending on July 15th. This was like a home for me. No matter where I was it helped me to keep some sort of sanity. I met some great people here. They all helped me to grow as a writer and thinker. Some little kids taught me great lessons some older people made me feel respected then there were those disgruntled folks who lost me in their own definitions. This is not the first tool to fall, BlogTV moved to YouNow and I left that site. Right now I really don’t know what to do with this PoetryBox, maybe I will close it.
Little more than eight years was filled with fun that was waved with smiles, tears and a lot of love. I will truly miss some of you if this ends on July 15th. You can find me on FaceBook. I clearly kept FB and this apart and told most of the FB folks to stay there and not to infringe into here. I can never forget Xanga as this is where I found my only true love.
This is not as simple as I may think

Silent Island.

The waves sang a song and rhythms gave,
For a dance none ever danced,
Glanced the world from all around,
A silhouette faded among the thickening fog.

Weaving dreams within the dancing fog,
The colors of love in those dreams filled,
Yet, the wonders of life in an uncouth reality lived
As silence crawled all the way into depths of mind.

From the kiss of sun small vibgyor bows sprouted,
Illusions, ah’ a parasite who ate mind and wild grown,
The crashing waves no match for the silent mind,
No more songs can be sung as dancer in fog faded.

In her eyes how love will be seen?
In her heart how love will dance?
In her hands how love will be mould?
In her ears how words of love will fall?

Unknown to mind who felt her touch,
And every touch of her a romantic fulfillment left,
In a mind where senses once more united,
And weaved within dreams, dreams that remained unfulfilled.

The drowning dreams stuck to the setting sun
Maybe on another day in those vibgyor bows may show
Taking life from smiles upon your faces I must try again to paint
Until that day this wanderer an island amidst roaring waves.

A silent island without your smiles that sure will implode

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2013.

Collage Of Dreams.

What a fantastic weekend. Lot of fun, a girl I know said, “I am pregnant” All emotions in me froze and all senses trembled. Then she continued “Not yours” I took a deep breath and told “You will be blessed”. Then party with friends. Watched couple of movies on HBO and Showtime. I continued my vow of not smoking anymore. However by Saturday night I started getting all nervous and I thought my heart beat is going up. So took the electronic cigarette and smoked took a deep puff then I understood by mistake I bought the menthol one, which tasted pretty bad. I calmed down with some self hypnotic messages to myself (really thought if a “darling” girl were around to talk to me) ah’ that gave me some dreams, lot of flower and birds and full grown trees. Today morning my friend called me and told he will come for lunch. He came and took me to an Indian restaurant the food was not that bad. Then we went to see Star Trek. wow this is an awesome movie. I like this one better than Iron Man. Then when I came back home and sat in front of the computer I got this whole dream thing coming back to me. I smiled and said..

Collage Of Dreams.

A lilac flower gave a smile of love,
Touching her cheeks along the walkway walked,
Silly birds danced in the their flight leaving ripples,
Of air which swayed little flower.

Watching the grace of nature I thought,
Oh’ a wonderful female bard the bird maybe
As in a branch with puffed feathers she sat,
Tweeting in sweet sounds, sweeter than lilac honey.

The colors gently and gradually filled,
Mind to feel the gladness of spring,
The blooming flowers looked like yawning,
After a day long dance in the shining sun.

Leaned back at the tree all spread and stood,
And along with the nature I smiled,
Along with the spreading warmth I wished,
The frozen dreams to find warmth from her.

The thought of her thawed those dreams,
New dreams reflected all around the season of love,
Holding hands upon the heart I smiled,
And pledged all my love once more to her.

Far away she may be, but her senses close I felt,
Her mind like the mind in the color of the female bard I saw,
Gently and gradually filling with the tweets I heard,
Ah’ she the darling, the reality of the collage of my dreams.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM All Rights Reserved-2013.


I was in deep thought about my own love and honestly, I don’t know what to say. A million times I can repeat all that is said with the belief that something may change. I am not a competitor I never tried to be and never will try to be one. Then I thought if this is a story it will never end as the reality is a monster that will always try to reach the end too fast. For any reader this may not make much sense I just hope the sensible one will read this and write an epilogue of that story. My hope is with all honesty, sincerity and seriousness. That’s the idea in this poem.


The sunlight shined with the love for you I felt,
The wind sang a new tune dancing with my love for you,
A new step, a new rhythm and a new line of verse birthed,
In the love of mine that wrapped the nature around you.

Happiness woke only when I think about you,
Then every moment a joy filled dance,
Ah’ happiness upon my heart danced,
With your image the only love I know.

Reality the monster try to tell a different story,
And to that story even reality knows no end,
For all the wrong of wrongs forgiveness I seek,
All your unkept promises ah’ your kindness erased.

The image of you ah’ her eyes with love filled,
A thousand misfortunes about how misfit I am I can say,
For that love, that filled every moment of you,
I can only wish I were the love you only loved.

At wishes and dreams reality mockingly laughs,
That unending story oh’ let that monster write,
Love me and write the epilogue no reality can write,
As the reality of my love always will be you.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved-2013.

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