The Truth Of The Silent Lover.

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Sleepless nights he spent in searching for new ways,
To deepen the warmth he feels when about her he thinks,
But through the roofless sky love flies to unknown planets,
The loser takes all blames and there are no winners.

Love the emotion from close to the part of sanity comes,
And that thin line stays bright lit between sanity and insanity,
Love touched him, love touched her but their sanity,
Ah’ a wonderful myth that darts through that bright thin line.

The destruction of choices in and out of love was complete,
When to her his likes he told and her dislikes he had known,
Then fantasies beyond the worlds of fancy imaginations, erupted,
Ah’, only through guesses from her gestures her love known.

Assumptions and gossips like redwoods without humans grown,
The evolution of his love ah’ all alone like wildfire spread,
Dreams shattered as silence became a darkness and erased,
Hopes from every pixel of a dream that played a happy smile.

Words from him poured, only in writing, her world quieted,
No assumptions, no gossips ever explained reasons,
Oh, no reason ever given for the existence of anything,
Still in truth and false defined they live, laugh, and cry.

In the boisterous laughs and sobbing ah’ drops of tears shed,
Inside every fallen drops were the meaning of her to him,
And what felt inside him when those tears were shed,
Defined every bit of the truth of her love so silently she kept.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

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The Man Who Emptied His Heart.

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The day left me nothing worthwhile to remember,
The chants of the evening into depths of soul grown,
Loving her never will become a routine for me to do,
But all chants senses feel, every evening, are for her.

The chants of this day were so different than every day,
As those were a story about a man who emptied his heart.

“Beyond the decade of the second millennium he took,
A barren heart across the plains of the American heart,
In his heart no wishes remained, no pain to ache,
As once more the love he searched for was unfound,
Realities disconnected, broken heart barren became,
Oh’ through the frozen paths to the dairy land he drove,
To find heart beats he lost to arrogance filled sorrow.

Hopes he gathered and into the waves of the lake left,
Oh’ they unfurled and into the depths drowned fast,
Then when around the ghetto he wandered he felt,
The pulsation of a feeling he once into waves drowned,
Ah’ where love sprouted he knew not but fast it spread,
Through his veins and romance built a fortress inside.
Though disappointments became synonyms of day-to-day fate,
Lady who took his barren heart and gave hopes on hopes,
Stalked his heart through the language of hearts he spoke.

Mysteries and fables of modern days in his heart birthed,
Through ways of his own invention through logic he erased,
Then one day, a fear in the corner of his heart he felt,
That fear spoke nothing, left no trace for any logic,
That fear sprouted in her heart about the love he felt,
Her love churned and churned in gossips and fables,
Of jealous minds with friendly smiles like parasites clutched,
Then love lost, only fear remained and that fear spread,
Oh’ through his heart, and his love, and his senses.

Once more beside the lake through falling snow he walked,
In every step he left a bit of heart inside him he felt,
Heart is gone only pieces of flesh beat to keep him alive,
The emptied heart froze under the layers of snow and ice.”.

Seasons may change, every bit of life age may grab,
He thought and made fables of his own to smile and laugh.
One of the nightly fables he made after seeing the sprouts,
Of tulips, he left in the previous fall now waving at him and smiles,
Oh,’ that fable kept him away from the lake that unfroze,
In the spreading warmth of the new birthed spring.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Alexandru Boicu on Unsplash

A Heart Where Dreams Can Rest.

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When love I felt clung to my heart I asked,
My conscience to search past and present of life,
For a heart where my dreams of love can rest,
And silence into my inner thoughts spread,
Like darkness of the night into a mountain.

When scouring through the past and present, known,
Ah’ about the hearts I have known with love,
And through love that build in my heart step by step,
The wrongs of the night no days ever seen,
The wrongs of the days, ah’ in overwhelming light buried,
Light everyone misunderstood as the love of mine.

When in the villainy of the wild world one consumes,
Always comes the consequences that make one cry,
Ah’ I challenged life to bring on all those consequences,
As learned I to drown every pain any hurt can bring,
But never ever even in imagination to me whispered,
Silence will hunt me to a sleepless self-talker,
As my own conscience into darkness hid from my stalking.

Through the country-side and through towns life wandered,
Milestones passed and many shores erased left footsteps,
Sun and Moon competed to see misfortunes of romance,
Then they too hid behind dark clouds as shadows fainted,
Shadows like blessings angels all through life followed.
Now as realities deferred to be real and faded into fog,
Oh’ fate ran out of space and time for me to be a lover,
Still, when thinking about your smiling images, I smile,
The kind soul of yours makes a heart where dreams can rest.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Rob Tol on Unsplash

The Lady Who Looked Back.

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One bright day to the world around Nature gave,
The warmth flew with the wind, danced, and sang,
For the cocoons upon the naked branches sticking,
Time stood by for them to grow and transform,
The pain of the sprouting wings frowned time,
As they broke through the cocoons and flew,
Into warmth and through the wind, time unpaused.

Ah’ that flight brought pride to the whole nature,
And spread gladness in every loving mind who all felt,
Wings sprouted for the love to reach their Love, colorfully.

Brightness always traveled around or into every heart reached,
Equally, as abandoned lovers felt frozen in the maze of sorrow.
Oh’ a shadow always lurked behind the souls of the unloved,
Part their heart where love of their loved ones should brighten,
Ah’ darkness fills unchecked like a monster from another world.
No taste touches mouths, no flower gives scents, no color shown,
Loveless life loses meanings written, abandoned man feels inhuman.

Time tuned a song for a lover to sing in his heart’s rhythm,
No meaningful words found as his story none ever cared,
For none cared to define meanings of the love of a lonely.

Then a meaning echoed none ever thought will be heard,
A title it took that told the world the meaning of the event,
In common tongue it meant “The Lady Who Looked Back.”.
She the one who split light into seven and warmed horizons,
Those seven colors to touch her and feel her, Oh they fought,
And at those colors and rays that galloped and shattered,
She looked and she knew they carry a love that hunts her.

The love of the past, perfected into the love of present, hunts,
Ah’ along with the warmth of the seasons to every corner spreads,
The pride of the present to carry her beauty and love to the future.
Ah’ ageless love surrounded her that she felt and she looked back.
One less man in the group of men abandoned by their lovers.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

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A Lover In A Mosque.

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Oh’ I left all questions inside a mosque,
And through asphalt darkness I drove,
The past I left within those bended questions,
The future approached fast same as I approached.

Far, far away, Oh’ saintly hands blessed,
Gathered the knowledge, gained understandings,
Ran through time, when every one walked,
Followed none, followed by none, alone I prayed.

And far away from that reality I came,
A thousand fantastic fantasies followed and wrapped,
Life in colors and glitter, sounds and rhythms,
Carried falls from the other side of world under my feet.

Empty hands, hungry heart, pathetic fate, colorless dreams,
Life from under the feet fell beyond tears of hopes,
When faces turned red, Oh’ love turned sweet grapes to sour,
And smile from a face with love I looked, erased.

Who achieved what? Who lost? Who gained?
When you turned your face away from me did you see,
Another dream inside your mind flowering?
Or did you hide a drop of tear in your love for me?

A drop of tear with a material reality you can never show,
Or did you thought I find happiness in pain and ache,
Taken from losing my love again and again in unattainable love?
Oh’ I left all questions inside a mosque when inside I felt your love.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

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Faith Of A Loveless Man.

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The evening sacrificed the day and left to bleed,
And the horizons took the colors of that brutality,
And beyond minds can imagine in patterns spread,
Why evening did such an act to many unknown,
Some painted, some danced, some sang, and some wrote,
Every soul a meaning took as for humanity dusk sacrificed,
Ah’ my meanings took face of yours my dearest, my darling.

The spreading night into every life forcefully unleashed,
Darkness, from where birthed illusions of monstrosity,
But the different meanings humanity took from the sacrifice,
Of the evening that painted the horizons and charmed,
Took a meaning of its own to keep minds away from illusions,
And in every moment of the derived meaning a story born,
Oh’ my story told about the romance of mine with you dear.

The misunderstood, betrayed, and mocked, scavenged,
In the dark of the dark for the ray of hope,
Ah’ even when the swords of the sun avenged the brutality,
Of the evening with his own magical battle and painted,
Horizons with stories of melancholy and victories of humanity,
Those lost souls, blinded by hopeless faith heckled their minds,
Ah’ my soul never saw the dark as your face filled me.

The mornings, noons, evenings and nights clashed,
None of those my heart in anyway could care,
The world into race, cultures, religions, and class divided,
And clashed and killed and mutilated the sanctity of humanity,
The heavens exploded and clashed into dust and rebirthed,
In mysterious ways mankind with five senses cannot comprehend,
Oh’ in you I see the everlasting reign of my life and my love.

I take my pride of this day with a smile of hope and faith,
That love in me someday will kindle a flame of warmth for you.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Rob Tol on Unsplash

An Erased Dream.

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Noon time came and all around peeked,
As the world with life in many forms filled,
Like a hungry serpent my eyes searched,
To find a reason, to keep a thought warm.

Downtown erupted in the frenzy of lunchers,
Silence only from onlookers like me came,
Faces showing emotions of all kinds passed,
Sounds from humans to birds to machines echoed.

Alive in the back of mind my thoughts stayed,
As through the crowd and events senses searched,
One face, one smile, ah’ the thought became a wish,
And the wish became a dream, Oh’ intensity pulsated.

Time-less people with belly full and empty minds left,
Somewhere in the depths of mind the dream fueled a hope,
Then evolved and into hope merged and left mind unwanted,
Oh’ even soliloquy find no reason to speak, when grief woke.

Senses juggled with grief as none else makes sense,
Giggling girls with flute-like voices woke senses into evening,
Ah’ how far I walked, only milestones can say,
Then in a direction I believed backwards I walked.

Through walk paths, beside wide roads, and bridges I crossed,
Throwing mind way beyond any senses can ever travel,
As around my car in tiredness I reached I looked around,
Night slowly erased the reality of what we call a day.

Oh’ as night presses his hand upon my chest I remembered,
Somewhere in my eagerness to get back home, I erased,
A dream I kept in my senses to see her face and give her a smile,
Unerased that dream and imagined a smile back as I fell asleep.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

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A Screaming Soul.

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The feelings of love, Oh’ like an ocean spread,
Wide beyond eyes can see, deep beyond imaginations,
The unleft youth dangling in my heart like wind chimes,
Lured material me to talk out loud to a sleeping soul.

Wake up, wake up, my lonely soul, as a mate for you I found,
Simple soul, wonderful soul she is, ah’ in silence keeps her love,
My unfelt buddy tell me,”What wonderful verses I should write,
To make her feel the love from you with purity I derive?”.

No wind-chimes noises I heard, soul never left any material pulse,
Then to soul I asked, “How do you like me to open my senses,
To bring her beauty in material and spirit to you for you to love?”,
Nothing moved not even an extra heartbeat in me I felt.

The world moved and along to move with all efforts I tried,
The passion grew and along with I tried to age my time too,
Then to soul again I asked “How will I court her into wishing,
To be my honor, to be my pride, ah’ to be my wedded bride?”.

As from my experience nothing from soul I expected,
Oh’ the drama of life took me into a whirlpool of unknowns,
As life revolved at one point of time for the benefit of none,
To feel my soul ah’ with aches of a losing love, again I tried.

As silence loomed in every realm of my existence,
When world celebrated living beyond imaginations,
To my soul I once more asked “What ways I can care,
and share the happiness I will feel when in her presence?”.

The heart slowed, listening to those beats my will surrendered,
To the darkness of night, that kept my mind too in darkness,
Waking up from my deep slept sleep to my soul I whispered
“Ah’ even my dreams joined you in the valley of silence?”.

Then while watching the sun gain his glory through morning,
Every senses soul awakened, and all of them sizzled to unite,
And gave a feeling in words through every vein screamed,
“Why are you asking all these manly things? I am her”.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Den Trushtin on Unsplash
For this poem as I am talking about dealing with the soul which never ages I wanted it to be represented by a very young girl. Please take no misunderstandings by seeing the image of a very young girl.

A Maker Of Reality.

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I seek no refuge away from the blistering reality,
That unfurled into a dream and died unfulfilled,
I seek no refuge in anyone’s kindness with love,
Covered in layers of world’s material brutality.

That reality speaks stories of melancholy and bitter ends,
The reality so well weaved, painted, and well versed,
Oh’ I seek no refuge in none of those in which lost,
The sanctity of the individual in me and love of yours.

I live through every moment with the grace of a man,
Who through the fulfillment of dreams lived and lived,
Through the broken pieces of dreams and broken heart,
Battles of survival, loneliness, and fantasy filled romance.

Every word I speak unleashes a reality, every word I write,
Relives an ancient fantasy, every bitterness I smile away,
Ah’ takes a path to one better lover than me, and I know,
That lover pushes the love she feels away to me from you.

I seek no refuge in any other reality than the love I feel,
As I am the one who makes reality out of an aching heart
And cover them with sweet smiles and whispers of verses,
Verses that sprouts more love in you than I can ever imagine.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

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A Plea To A Flower.

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Oh’ I have broken laws of humans, laws that guide,
Humanity to happiness and keep unhappiness away,
What specialty life upon me ever thrust upon?
Other than the laws and rules none every understood.

And left I my weeping conscience from under my feet,
The ten thousand dreams, misguided, and at times monstrous.
Oh’ I broke free from the invisible chains I myself made,
And learned not to look back but to look all around.

What led humanity to happiness, ah’ always they didn’t made,
Happiness in my heart and in what unhappiness people cried,
Made me cry along then even in them found a way to make smile.
Oh’ I have broken the laws humanity so forcefully embraced.

Oh’ these thoughts at times in heart hymns a melody,
As my time that rhymes with the world churned another day.
Broken laws, and all who lost me when in laws they abide,
Ah’ into the abyss of emptiness they all fell unknowing.

The specialty of life seen when a wild flower into eyes smiled,
The chirping bird sang a tune till now unheard to me too,
Silent I signed to her and thoughts into unknown emptied,
No memory I gathered as all I did were to let go.

No love weaved, as no love I can have as all around I looked,
That flower into the depths of my soul grew as back I walked,
Echoed in my ears was that sweet tune the unseen bird sang,
Oh’ then I know love beyond my imagination stuck my heart.

Sat I apologetically as the flower, as that smile never left,
The echo into my being resonated the words of our talk,
“Did I hated you with my rude ways of breaking laws?
Hate me know for no love I have for you or anything else.”.

The flower replied “Proud I was in the beauty of my own,
But, not even the beauty of a thousand flowers like me,
Can compare to the beauty of the love you loved.
As about her I learn from the love you once weaved,

Seek no forgiveness, nor any solace in the wild world ways,
Break every laws, break every barriers, and reach her heart,
For the force of her love you know not and be there for her”.
Once more I walked as the humming bird waited for my leave.

Then in hiding I waited for the bird to leave and then I stole,
The flower from the branch and at the flower I pleaded,
“Take no thoughts from my heart, take no sight from the world,
Reach her face and on her forehead fall and give her the feeling,

Of love of the best kind as in the love of the best lost,
Are the thoughts of mine and every bit of my energy,
Take my love and spread upon her with love history taught.”.
Then into the wind the pollen of the flower I blown.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

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