The Sorrow Of The Silent River.

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The beaten days, Oh’ the frozen days, they died,
As the pale rocks for the passed winter nights wept,
Those nights when the frozen world up in heavens witnessed,
The birth of the lucky stars, disappointed lovers awaited.

The shattering water in best of efforts while flowing tried,
To stay quiet, yet, the returning migrated birds stretched throats,
Singing songs, with stories of their flight, to warm lands and back.
The water flown, trying hard not to gallop, as if in a funeral march.

The flowing mourning was for those lovers who found no love,
No stars brightened their fate as the ones they loved hid,
Beneath veils of sadness unknown, or the mockery of the world,
Material world bound in age, looks, fortunes, status and gossips.

When the river entered the towns, Oh’ rubbish of all kinds joined,
Tree were replaced by homes and bridges and roads diverting,
Still she tried to stay quiet with the flow of time in prayers,
Leaving them at the footsteps of those in loneliness stood.

Streams from all sides joined her gently as they knew,
The sorrow she carries and her thousand mile flow in prayers,
Someday when she falls into the deep depths of the abyss,
She knows at least one of her prayers for a lover will be fulfilled.

Gathering a pebble or two into the wilderness of concrete I disappeared.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Matyáš Burnek on Unsplash

Unforgettable Thoughts.

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The fog from above the mountains rise,
And into many ghastly shapes evolved,
Ah’ as above the stubborn mounts they rise,
Touched my face like the first kiss of a lover.

From far those greenery on the mountains I see,
Ah’ they are trees more older than you and I,
The illusion of our eyes give our mind a view,
All those far, smaller and easier for us to ignore.

The day we met, Oh’ in past years I count,
The years passed, ah’ like those fog they rise,
And through their ghastly dance and kiss they hide,
The stubborn mind, wonderful mind so preciously loved.

Senses gathered all they can and to mind brought,
To make sense ways an unloved man can survive,
Oh’ no beat of a lovers heart ever will be lost,
Without remembering the loving moments of past.

Never can a lover fall victim to the healer time,
The wound of the unloved who loved in purity remain,
Unhealed and will lose the timeline of past, present, and future.
Pain is just a by product that will howl a man to solitude.

When once more falling into these unforgettable thoughts,
Ah’ the only feeling that relieves is a memory of your smile.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Igor Rand on Unsplash

Eternal Lovers.

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First it was a fascination about romance that unfurled,
Like the radiant hair of a beautiful girl in eastern wind,
The mountain ranges waved across the landscape showing,
Making naughty wind wave as through the day he danced.

That fascination from the depths of soul bigger grown,
Like an old banyan tree spreading branches and roots,
Beneath the stars, unwithering in the changing seasons,
Every sense adding to a loving heart’s palpitation.

Ah’ those roots in silence deeper and deeper crept,
And into the world through all branches grown, shown,
The care, the compassion, the passion, and beyond all, love,
Love you sprouted in my heart my dear, my dearest.

The world into yet another spring rolls and it will move,
The sky will show new born stars, showering blessings,
New born Angels in penance for the purity of minds will pray,
As our minds closer and closer to a dream fulfillment reach.

Open your senses for the arrival of a new season unseen,
By this world and the worlds unknown to mankind,
The season that purifies two lives as the symbol of love,
When we both hand in hand vows to be eternal lovers.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Gergő Komporály on Unsplash

A Blasphemy And Mindless Disappointments.

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Days are growing younger and younger as we move,
Through the season of spring bringing warmth and youth,
The triumph of the vibgyor up in heavens seen,
Like a broken half wheel still at nature’s wonders amazed.

The chipmunk sat on the roof and gnawed something found,
From the rubble winter left, who left after his annual defeat,
All that stood as symbols of a great winter season now fallen,
Ah’ the melted winter and melting spring left love untouched.

From childhood days in the last millennium till this day I learned,
To care, even the ones who with hatred at me looks and screams,
To gain happiness from every happy moment of the given life,
Seasons change, passion filled emotions erase and repaints,

Ah’ the only symbol of every season of mine pixel by pixel drawn,
By nature and every bit of reality, known, unknown, and ignored.
Every moment grew better and better, fulfilling and well defined,
The untouched love by seasons was my love for that beautiful symbol.

The galloping mind, the evolving mind, Oh’, saw prettiness,
In every eyes but none stood the test of my times to define,
The love well into my life, my senses, and my spirit blended,
Still my trust in God never led me to mindless disappointments.

Up and down life danced, like those seasons melted and flowered,
The fallen leaves, man-made rubble, and new sprouts all failed,
To undefine what emotional passions and all my love symbolized,
The love of mine for you; so blasphemous to your senses.

The clashing smokes in near heavens wept and drooled,
I wish no silence from my heart as verses poured,
The chaos contained the rhythm and nothing ever rhymed,
Still my trust in God never led me to mindless disappointments.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Pablo Varela on Unsplash

Tales Future In Pride Hails.

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Memories, Oh’ the brutal vampires that haunts,
Every waking moment with feelings of depressions,
Every sleeping moment with unwatchable nightmares,
Age of those vampires in the east sets as romance sprouts,
From a heart with happiness you gave filled.

Oh’ when the hunting memories in the heart crumbled,
I saw a smile in the back of my eye lids, victory smile,
Of a sweetheart who defeated in mind every crushing doubts,
And sang anthems of love with sanctity and sincerity filled,
The man in her heart in stood high above all and out-danced.

Joyous life O’ time for you to dine and wine with us now,
From the darkness of time’s impulses wake and wash,
Your face with light of our mutually spreading love,
And seek and destroy the serpents of differences of each other,
May you take the colors of spring and fall and bring to us forever.

Victorious darling, spread your eyes, dearest of my heart,
Never will you fail in my heart, nor will my heart forget,
The gladness you are to me even when hurtful events passed,
Us by and life’s crooked devils in our hearts whispered,
Tales of nightmares, in past, or in present ever exists.

The world we know, Oh’ the evil eaten minds,
Upon the wings of hatred driven gossips they ride,
Oh’ dearest, darling they stand no chance in force,
Of our love that out shines and drowns all that stands,
Between us; May we write the tales future in pride hails.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Analise Benevides on Unsplash

Fill An Ocean, My Dear, My Dearest.

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Beyond eyesight, hearing, beyond smell, taste, and touch,
There is a feeling of unity between two souls, undefined,
The laws of attraction, Oh’ the magnificent mirages,
They rule lives beyond the laws of made up science and rules.

Seeing the living, O’ God, I feel the freedom to us you gave,
Ah’ the love you gave taught me to love another better,
And the lovable you shown me, makes my faith stronger,
And in ever grateful gratitude in absolute submission I prostrate.

How many million ways a man can love a woman?
How many million bubbles in every wave washed ashore?
Oh’ my love for her is not another babbling of wave,
It is an ocean that stretches with stars studded to shine.

Then again up to heavens I looked and I am pleased,
For in every creation of God I see my love for her reflected,
When oceans upon Earth darker grows when one in depths goes,
Ah’ light filled is the ocean of my love for her as her image fills.

As I guide the waves from one ocean to another Oh’ dear,
Thou shalt not seek the shores of deserts where mirages dances,
Nor shall into darkness fall, of the world of wicked men and women.
Fill thy ocean with images of my love, Oh’ dear, my dearest.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Josh Shutler on Unsplash

Angels Of Flesh And Blood.

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The turmoil in mind Oh’ like a lashing hurricane grew,
Warmth from the ocean of love in mind for her, fueled,
As the eye of the storm deep into soul penetrated,
Ah’ flashes of a fantastic hope deep in mind relumed.

The fascination of words into verses of mind weaved,
Ah’ do they touch you like a feather from a fair dove?
Or do they through your back like a drop of water flow?
Or like the turmoil in my mind with wind and thunder hit?

In how you feel is where the relumed hope finds light,
As quill dries and no more ink from anywhere I can find,
Ah’ don’t leave minds to stereotyped imaginations to rule,
Undo the binds in which reality up in clouds hangs.

Bring an end to this prolonging prologue of romance,
Bring to front the desires of future of loving hearts,
Let us be the Angels of flesh and blood in our love,
So sacredly for each other exists but in your doubts drowns.

The stars are aligned, the page of the written fate unfolded.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

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The Love You Deserve.

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The morning into a prayer delivered my mind,
Hard work in discipline as if in a penance,
But in many experiments learned life’s hacks.
And after every success I left life a smile to remember.

In the journeys, in long years of studies, Oh’ in dreams,
A way away from ordinary and a way around found,
Ah’ how life became an extra ordinary set of events,
All through paths mankind made as fantastic shortcuts.

The day I woke up from a prayer in my mind,
Ah’ back at the roads through shortcuts passed I looked,
Crookedness from arrogance came, laziness made a liar,
Hard work became harder as discipline found no shortcut.

Prayers, prayers and then another thought,
Isn’t it for another shortcut I am praying,
Stopped everything in action and reaction and asked,
“Where in life any shortcuts I never used?”.

Moments where through no long paths walked,
Ah’ I found none and then to my life I again asked,
“What in life not happened in absolute perfection?”
Long thoughts dried the brain to sleep and again I woke,

As the waking prayer I recited, a feeling I grabbed,
Oh’, no romance in perfection I did as through it all,
A short path I searched and no path to any loving heart found,
As I lost ways in shortcuts only soulless hearts I found.

Prayers, prayers and one day, you I found,
And stood there thinking about which way to give love,
“No shortcuts dear”, my soul-filled conscience told,
And no shortcuts to reach your heart I ever tried.

I spoke, I wrote and again and again to learn I tried ,
Even in dreams the long paths I walked and ran,
A soul-filled heart I found, a lot of love to give I have,
In paths wonderful, perfection of my love you deserve.

Prayers, prayers for the long roads to be flower filled.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Ari Erma on Unsplash

A Madman And A Soccer Player.

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The roadkill beside the road laid,
Announcing the fragility of our short life,
And the madman on the street asked,
“Why the misery of life so harshly given?”.

“Dream alone, dream alone.” he screamed,
None around looked at him just some crows cawed,
Hundreds of images from depths of soul sprouted,
Recycling images from dreams alone I saw and drowned.

If internet is a street I am that madman you will ignore,
But you came, you read, and heard every thought in my mind,
Oh’ I hope with a smile you learned, the mind of a man,
Whose love, ah’ in honesty and sincerity well blended.

Very many days, many, many nights, construction of mind,
In peace and harmony with one thought again reinforced,
Love of mind grew beyond my mind from far you felt,
Ah’ mysteries of minds we both so pathetically misunderstood.


Young girl at the soccer ball in the middle of field looked,
To hit it far, or to dribble it through to goal? Yet to decide…
The spiritual world screamed “Love is the goal, the ball is yours.”.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

The Loved Man.

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In the spring morn sun the sky cracked open,
Frost, mud and winter fun into rivers washed away,
Eyes opened wide in the civilized wilderness made,
By history makers, the fortunate, and the loved.

Through fears and fancy rays of sun moved,
As every ray carried the light for a dream to be seen,
The dreamers dreamed, Oh’ some just fell apart,
Others stood in awe of the fulfillment, the fortunate.

Manipulators, drew their own maps to move and drowned,
Truth, trust, and civility, ah’ many minds in them lost,
Oh’ the wonder-filled life, the colorful life, divine life, faked,
By history makers, even romantic emotions, manipulated.

Oh’ lost I my dream as in the colorful circus of success,
Of manipulators and darkness even into mind’s eyes crept,
All hopes ah’ about the light in her heart, the light I left,
In words into verses weaved and ways of future, in her love.

Wished I all that never happened were never dreamed,
As from all that happened I know I wished,
Someone else’s life, that man to me, unheard and unknown,
Someone whom everyone understood better,

Someone in a fake world, who never aged in any eyes,
Ah’ not that man I am, just a man at whom life hissed,
So vehemently, the world always in fantasy, thought,
I am a man who never loved and none every loved,

As none knows but you, the love in your heart for me.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Angel Jimenez on Unsplash
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