A Magician.

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Younger days, days of power, in pleasant thoughts lived,
Possibilities known, impossibilities ignored ah’ in arrogance,
Every moment unraveled in the newness of life’s journey,
And unnoticed lost, part of the light that made life bright.

Oh’ not known were ways of sweet speech,
Not learned were lessons of heart to heart trust,
Youth became a bell that never stopped ringing,
Unnoticed was the fact, true love never touched heart.

Time a friend not, nor a foe with a blunt object may hit,
As through time and space a man his life blended,
Reality crossed swords with dreams in unknown vengeance,
As her love became an unwritten poem his heart hunted.

O’ wished and wished and wished again all were a nightmare,
But still every morning heart finds a reason to wake to see,
That beautiful smile, sadness erased and happiness shared.
Every essence of love, in a dream weaved and for her left.

When sleep from all around aroused and conquer,
A thought to heart came that spoke in verses sweet,
Oh’ hope is a magician that brings a new trick to the soul,
Into that hope surrendered and embraced sleep in her image.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Esther Town on Unsplash

The Wandering Bird.

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Oh’ I wondered about a wandering bird,
Who don’t belong among the migrating flocks.
He crieth not nor he stay far from others,
Ah’ somewhere in the depth of his eyes I see,
A shattered dream, lifeless, in drowned pain.

The long lost Sun found his ways back up North,
The thawing winter brought new life across the plains,
As life sprouted bit by bit all around so ached more,
The shattered dream, Oh’ now a faceless fabrication.
Along the flocks back up North silently he flew.

Though the winds warmed, rains fallen, trees hesitated,
So upon a bare naked branch he sat, listening,
To the falling dew as far away in the East the Sun sprouted,
Oh’ up at the sky he looked as if in prayers he nodded,
Then into the depths of the Spring storm he flew.

Rain drops dripped from the covering hood,
As aimless, away from naked trees I walked,
Ah’ pieces of a shattered dream from the soul screamed,
Onlookers passed by, frowning, Oh’ my meaning I defined,
Only for one soul and the bird symbolized my soul.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Alexey Alabuzhin on Unsplash

An Old Drama.

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Faded shadows scares none in morning so pleasant,
Those shadows that followed two loving hearts,
Ah’ they fell apart into the light from his loving heart,
Oh’ loved he beyond his own imaginations and her.

The sad tunes he heard ah’ in beat they rhymed not,
With a heart that beat in tune of an anthem of love
From her heartbeat sprouted and tweeted
By a weaver in counterpoint in the rhythm of his heart.

Those sad tunes ah’ in their rhythm in ecstasy danced,
Those shadows whispering spells of manipulating craft,
Ah’ dark paths into their souls slowly gnawed,
And two souls O’ loving souls in awful perplexity stood.

Love denied and uncouth drama unfolded,
Heart ached, sleepless nights, hearts slowed, dreams faded,
The pleasant world around ah’ they all became,
Monstrous monuments of loveless suffering.

As the tears from eyes fell, ah’ prayers sprouted,
From Earth, from Air, from the falling Rain and Frost,
Darkness left and romance to the end of the tunnel, moved,
Shadows and their whispers, into melancholic oblivion, faded

Light stayed, love flourished and she looked, she learned,
The loving heart ages not, love of his kind exists in rarity.
Ah’ even silence bowed with a prayer Angels to heavens carried.
And returned in haste making him and her smile at each other.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Dio Ezar on Unsplash

The Dream Translator.

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Oh’ my love, my fantastic feelings define you,
The good and bad in me passionately refines you,
Ah’ the world wish and maybe you brutally wish I can betray,
My conscience and yours by feeling another in my heart.

Love for me is not a toy I play with and sleep leaving it,
Especially my love for me defined and refined me to be yours,
Oh’ a tyrant I am to my own feelings to hold you tight,
In a heart broke but in hue of a smile for my memory you gave.

The worldly ways, so fanciful they maybe for all,
The ways of mine so feisty maybe for worldly ways,
But that which defines me ah’ they origin in my soul,
And blend into my blood and flesh and becomes me.

The very essence of you in love or in dislikes,
Ah’ in my own senses they defined and became me,
So leave I cannot, you from my senses as you are my love,
How can I leave my own self as my love lives me?

So love me or not Oh’ live your life with happiness filled,
In no fear or in any remorse about me you may feel,
Empty my time will not be as myself repeatedly refines,
Thoughts into dreams and dreams into poetry translated.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

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Colors Of Drowned Dreams.

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The sun up in the further sky like a one eyed car shined,
The winter clouds froze up seeing the might of each other,
Houses like addicts in quest for uncontrollable highs, smoked.
Horizons filled with loneliness like an exotic dancer, undressed.

About passing days, no knowledge in passions I seek,
For in them the fortunes and misfortunes of other souls, reside,
Just as an onlooker bothered by none, bothering none, I rest,
Ah’ dreams in many combinations into my life I painted.

Most dreams as dreams they lived and in occasions woke,
Some died as time added numbers to my growing age,
Some where drowned compassionless by a hurrying crowd,
Oh’ they know not the mind of their own or the painter’s soul.

Those dreams they drowned where I painted my love,
As those were painted with words in verse, I weaved,
None cared, none lived it, none ever understood.
Colors of those drowned dreams, Oh’ in your rejecting eyes I saw.

Oh’ dreams are like seeds in winter times,
Like pieces of marble under the frozen grounds they lay,
But when through the times of warmth Earth tilt and moves,
I pray colors of those drowned dreams will fill your love.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved -2019.

Photo by Roberto Delgado Webb on Unsplash

A Dancing Partner.

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I drove around the city side and then to the country side,
Life thrived all around even in the freezing cold,
Still silent stayed my mind to venomous thoughts,
As the passing wind left a scent from her rosy cheeks.

Love is not like a season that comes and leaves,
Love is a feeling to my heart she brought through her smiles,
And love never will be left in a historical memory lane,
As love lives through every beat of our heart.

The wet and cold winter through every bit life expanded,
As life for many waited for the fury of freeze to be over,
Love indeed and spirit always waits to be awaken, to sprout.
Ah’ what wonders one can expect when in love two souls meet!

Try hard not to scare the blooming heart,
The phantoms of life, Oh’ they are murderers of dreams,
Try hard not to fall in the fantasy tales,
The gossiper’s addiction will not cure with love and smiles.

The falling snow will not last forever nor the darkened clouds,
Thick cold air will pass when light seen bright in meanings full,
The cycle of life O’ will gallop faster than stallions can,
Relax the leash and look in his eyes to feel the warmth of love.

Oh’ I sang and sang and drove East to West, North to South,
No leash around me felt, ah’ bitter cold once more asked me to dance.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Sam Chapman on Unsplash

A Reason To Smile.

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The energies flown through the night came
From a time passed through heights of unknowns
The unknowns to each other we are,
Ah’ in lifeless days they drown.

A pathos song the falling snow sang,
As silent I stood watching the melancholy,
Somewhere wandered conscience in quarrel,
Saying “Silent I cannot live with your love”.

Scavengers came out though the weather that danced wild,
And at them in kindness I looked and shared,
The tit bits of food in the freezing cold I can share,
And at me they looked and as if in prayers they stood.

Drown not O’ Darling, Drown not in memories where I lost,
Fault of mine or of others ah’ nothing matters not,
For in love many battles one may lose and yet, love we will,
And to you about the future unknown I give no promises.

My empty backyard even at mid-night bright lit stayed,
Ah’ the fallen reflected light from some far away star,
Holding on to a dream unseen in my mind’s eyes I saw,
All the happy moments we share and burying sadness.

Oh’ is that the promise of future to you and I,
Or is that an escape from the pains of present times,
Ah’ I know not about times anymore as your eyes I miss,
Still seeing you beside even in a daydream gave me smile.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Elijah O’Donnell on Unsplash

Monday Blessings

Hey Night, Hey Night, be good to those in grief,
I sang as a prayer before I drowned into a dream,
Through a path of flower-filled garden she took,
Where every second a beautiful sound I heard,
Then when the first drop from the Jasmine melted,
The path emptied, flowers disappeared,
Only fields of growth and in greenery, vision drowned,
She kissed me and for the morning left,
With a prayer that meant “Monday Blessings.”.


Photo by Artem Kovalev on Unsplash

The Stranger In The Heart.

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Drained mind like a tired ballet dancer stood,
No more steps can be taken, no more moves to show,
Still deep inside amid the shallow paths of mind,
That once with brighter glow of romance filled,
Ah’ a stranger played hide and seek in a maze.

Turn, turn and turn and a dead end she found,
Where she hid and as my mind’s eyes reached,
She moved and moved and moved beyond sight,
Ah’ my own maze through which she moved,
Mind’s eyes fell apart as another turn I know not she found.

Took the lesson that mind in whole I know not,
Then I looked and I found a way out of the maze,
Stepped out and away from the maze walked,
Then I remembered ah’ I remembered I never seen,
The face of her, the stranger who played hide and seek.

Drained mind for a way ahead looked but only mirages seen,
When looked back I saw, she running away from the maze.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Ramiz Dedaković on Unsplash

An Image You Forged.

Blog Post About This Poem.

Days of every kind I walked through,
As fast as they could light took away the days,
Oh’ spring, summer, fall and winter,
The days carried me too along,
The life that perplexed me as usual,
Always changed with the changing days.

From youth to middle age I rebelled with “My ladies”,
Images of them in my mind they left,
For me to see and cherish,
Even when in the darkness they hide.
In my mind every one with a name I kept,
But many I forgot as ‘much older’ I became,
But some from the long lost memories filled in,
When a beautiful lady pass me by who bears that name.

The world passed by that bit of time,
When images and omens drawn paths,
Then deliberately a path I have drawn,
Love is the omen through every sense I felt,
Only one image in my senses filled,
That image I vow to carry the rest of my time.

The image of you that erased every sin of mine,
With the purity of love deep in your heart you forged,
Just with my image that never stopped smiling.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Humphrey Muleba on Unsplash

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