Circles And Cycles.

Blog post about this poem.

In circles and cycles time traveled,
As morning mist tried hard not to fall,
From the blooming trees that danced in morn,
Of a new birthed spring where to bind I tried,
Hopes buried in the winter frost of youth.

Ah’ life through cycles in circles unraveled,
Fortunes and misfortunes, ah’ wilder rides,
Eyes always felt as if to stained-glasses glued,
As beyond moved the puzzles of romance,
For reasons unknown cycles and circles they never felt.

The world around, oh’ the critics and mockers,
Gossips and laughs about the loveless life felt,
The buried talks and the whispers they know I heard too,
Ah’ none carried a spear or a dagger with them,
Still all pierced with looks and words that hurts worse.

Circles and cycles oh’ they bent time as one moved,
From thoughts to dreams and dreams to reality,
Ah’ as along space bent Oh’ nothing stayed same.
Dragged along the gossip lines the truth of loveless life,
Love, a wonder never ever felt as it lost me to loneliness.

Then the story I turned backwards and sideways to see,
As reality has many different faces than one knows,
The fortunate and unfortunate buried lot many tears,
Oh’ how lucky and peaceful I feel when I know I loved,
And how lucky I know you are, when I know you are loved.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by Ieva Vizule on Unsplash


Blog Post About This Poem

The brush into the depth of paints dipped,
The palette the symbol of mind’s chaos became,
One by one colors mixed and merged on a canvas,
Oh’ the sanctity of the painted known,
When I saw the loved filled eyes of mine,
Perfectly portrayed by her passions.

Silent stayed the light with her image
Bound by the flow of our love
Love that failed to reach our souls
In ripples of the world,
Away and away they sailed.

Haven’t you heard the cry from your heart?
Haven’t you felt the touch of your own soul?
Oh’ how can you hear those cries as lost they are,
In the blabbering of the minds around you,
Who all in ordurous machinations into your ears, screamed.

Oh’ how many veils you may wear?
To hide the love upon your skin glow.
How many times away from my eyes you will look?
To hide from happiness you and I can have,
Then kneel and pray to all doors of heaven to keep our love.

My dear, my dearest the world ah’ just an apparel,
Fight not a demon I never was nor a man of material exploitation.
As, though from far I hear, the whispers of your soul,
A soul that spoke the story of our love that let,
Let the ripples of the world sail away and away and away.

Invisible became the brush that painted,
Colors once bulked the tubes now part of a masterpiece,
The poetry of the poet a million images portrayed,
Ah’ all the verses and colors meant a meaning,
Meaning of a promise like a jasmin fresh bloomed.
Ah’ forget I never will to leave a smile upon your face.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2019.

Photo by zhengtao tang on Unsplash

The Beginning Of The Fail.

Blog Post About This Poem – Read This Before Reading The Poem.

There was a ray that came
Spread by the Sun in the morn,
That touched your eyes to wake
The world around you and I.

Then your soul in reluctance stood,
Spoke no thoughts and shown no dreams
As it rhymed in my shyness to speak my love,
Still a glitter I saw in your winking eyes

The world around us ah’ they frowned
The material senses deep inside growled
The feelings though stronger grown
Stronger strangers injected venom of hate.

The leaves have fallen
The dreams they buried deep
Souls like phantoms wandered
As you told why you can’t like me

A scene of the drama in tragedy ended
Oh’ how many more to be played
How many more roles to be acted
But still our souls in each other will fail

Fail to understand why each other we can’t love.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM. All Rights Reserved- 2019.

Photo by Irina Iriser on Unsplash



Blog Post About This Poem.


Ancient objects looked down and smiled,
Before they bid adieu to the night that shown them bright,
Oh’ how wonderfully innocence filled we all slept,
As the light day brought, sprouted out and all around spread.

Beautiful things, pretty people and all events they both made,
Woke up in hurry some still half asleep walked, bathed and ate,
Many went to their work; some helped those who went,
Some slept more, then sat, ate and sat again in research of laziness.

I woke up my day from a dreamless sleep and asked,
“Do I have the fortune of love today?
Or the misfortunes of another day?
Or do I have pleasantness in meaningless hours I spare?”

The air stayed still and my breath disturbed its peace,
Time in a frequency spoke I heard not, the heart understood none,
Oh’ the vibrations from my heart and the charges from my brain,
Filled the air with questions, none understood well to answer.

Actions and thoughts O’ left a man astray and none noticed,
Life moved like a serpent with venom-filled fangs of negativity,
Time O’ time an enemy that left arrows of fire that burned the past,
Meanings searched only left the air unbreathable with “Why” questions.

And leaving all, in the heartbeat imaginations ran after threads,
Threads that vibrated through time and space uninfluenced,
Capturing threads steadily and in purls and knits weaved dreams,
And in each and every purl and knit I left a heartbeat of love.

The roads mind far beyond the speed of light travelled,
Ah’ nothing seen, just a feeling of a meaning,
Meaning that needs no light or darkness to understand,
That meaning unrolled from the purls and knits left a smile.

Smile that lifted a falling dream to the heights of reality,
Where two souls thriving in simplicity to be found,
And they found meanings of each other eye to eye.
Love has found its meaning exalted once more.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2018.

Photo by Fineas Gavre on Unsplash

Scents Of An Undying Spring.


Blog Post About This Poem – Please Read This Before Reading The Poem.

 Scents Of An Undying Spring.

Holding on to a dried flower for so long,
Ah’ many spring times around me passed,
And away into time past forever buried.

Leaving no memories of any color in mind,
Dried maybe the flower in my hand,
The scent from every nose may have left,

But died not the flower in my soul,
As color and scents of spring with her spread,
Better than all the springs went by unnoticed.

Remembered I the dance of the dust in winds,
Summer heat and the wraths of the thunderstorms,
Oh’ all competed to gather the memory of my love.

Summer left shades under trees where I sat,
As the thickening air burned the tree tops in fury,
Every fallen leaf wept a drop of tear in sadness left,

Ah’ by the unaccepted love I told to a girl I love.
The hurried winter flurries eluded me to fall and melt,
The frozen frost upon trees sat, giving winds a cooler touch.

The Sun, Moon and Stars witnessed the space and time that left,
Life recycled and brought nothing new to the love of mine,
Freshness of the felt love only sprouted words of that old song.

“Died not the flower in my soul,
As color and scents of spring with her spread,
Better than all the springs went by unnoticed.”

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved -2018.

Photo by Riccardo Fissore on Unsplash

A Truth In The Beauty Of All Images.

Blog Post Abou This Poem – Please Read This Post Before Reading This Poem.


A Truth In The Beauty Of All Images.

Lost my mind in the twists of a soul,
Time collapsed into the dark of that day,
And through the wind and then through the light,
I searched and searched for a way to you.

You twisted and twisted in your search,
From soul to soul you thought,
And thoughtless became your life in obsession,
To prove me wrong, to defeat my romance.

In every beat of your heart you found a rhythm,
To dance through every emotion that touched,
And your whole life became a theatrical masquerade,
In it you lost the reality, the heart beat you found was mine.

Run, run and run you will in the same ways from oneself,
Ah’ conscience became a relentless hunter,
That hunted your obsessions to almost extinction,
But you relentlessly fought and fought and ran again.

All the colors of material life you painted,
All the screams of material life you shouted,
All the chasing and hiding to bury a silent truth.
A truth in the beauty of all images you know,

That truth is your love for me.

© LonelyPoet.Com. All Rights Reserved-2016.

Photo by ziko cinematography on Unsplash

The Future Dream.


Blog Post About This Poem.


The Future Dream.

One after the other came ashore waves of lake,
Relentless passion even when winter upon them danced,
To touch the shore and roll back in haste,
Without touching braving the cold wind with a smile I watched.

Some wild goose still stood by watching,
Me in the early winter days that came in haste,
And got thrown out of the Northern wood screaming,
The curses some long lost lover left before suicide.

Looked back at the so called “Mid Twenties” days of mine,
Oh’ those days when as a potter I imagined and made,
Fantastic vases many adorned in their lives.
Then as a weaver myself I imagined and weaved,

Baskets were many kept all their valuables and some,
Kept their dreams along not to be lost in the haste of time,
When leaving those days to my own conscience I asked,
“What did I forget?” and he replied “A dream for future days.”.

The world ran, I ran along, life unfolded and I unraveled,
As I am no king who oppressed the kingdom for fame,
I am no pauper who begged for a bowl of trash.
Still the party of life took me and through masses danced.

Some nights I listened looking at far away stars,
Silence remained my conscience all through the wilder rides,
The potter and weaver wrote many verses through my smiles I wrote,
Then one day a natural smile through masqueraded colors I saw.

Ah’ the soul swayed, heart stopped and only footsteps of myself heard,
Through the vastness of my own experience I searched,
To walk away many ways I chose and decided to run and run and run,
Then the long silence conscience broke and said,

“You found your future dream.”.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2018.

Photo by Ashlee O’Neil on Unsplash

A Journey Through The Dark Paths.


Blog Post About This Poem.

A Journey Through The Dark Paths.

Conscience in harmony with the world spoke,
A world where lies looks and sounds like truth,
Where pets and printed pulp value more,
Than the purity of love and its suffering unknown.

Sanity O’ Sanity now-a-days a saintly act,
So drag me not O’ conscience drag me not,
For the world for reasons unknown need,
Me to breathe, me to smile and be your shadow.

As weather through the wilderness of modernity whither,
And hopes hold together in a mansion of meaninglessness,
A mansion where insanity of romance for you forever waits,
As time through dark paths into more darkness retrograded.

Silent I fell, no tears, no screams just the passions wrapped,
And through air passed sensations of a heart long lost its rhythm,
The hasting time and the frozen space left me astray to say,
“I will walk through the dark paths to reach the light of her soul.”

And from that whisper started a new journey to her beautiful soul.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2018

Audio – Song Of The Dying Nightingale.



Song Of The Dying Nightingale.

Oh those nights I remember,
Warm dark and starless,
The cunning fox howls after the steal,
Neighbor’s dog howls in frustration,
The rumblings of the city buses and trains,
All settles past the last phase of the night,
And at the first phase of the morn,
The low voice of the nightingales song I heard,
A tune adored by melancholy,
A tune the whole nature listens in stillness,
And as a blessing brings daybreak to the world,
Or may be to soothe the pain of the singer.
Every night I waited to hear,
The variations of the sad and painful tune,
Seven weeks and three days passed,
With every morning of mine in tears,
And on that night I waited,
But the long tiring day threw my mind away,
Into the depths of sleep and the world of subconscious,
Where I saw two lovely birds singing,
Sitting on the different branches of the same tree,
Singing in high and low note reaching counter point,
And to the different tune of each bird dances,
The whole nature with joy and pride,
Filling every corner with scent of love,
Taking sides of each bird in turns,
The clinging of the branches and leaves,
The whistling wind that bumps around,
The steady stream all in union,
Makes the perfect orchestra;
But the law of nature always is,
That nothing goes in perfect harmony,
The male trying hard to get in tune with the female.
The different tunes counter point lost,
In the obsession of her who craved,
The unknown, the unheard, the unbelievable,
And for him love remains untold,
What’s heard was the babblings of the Ravens instead,
After eyes shut, mouth sealed, and wings broken,
Every morning from his soul rose,
The pathos of the tunes she sung,
Never ate, never slept but lived his time in sorrow,
Seven weeks and three days he wept,
And the unforgiving life left him without mercy.
From the virtual death I woke up in tears,
Seeing the lord of the day in all his glory,
The sleep, the dream all seem unreal,
What felt was the pain of a departing soul,
The power of the dream was gone,
When at the end of the long search,
Beneath a big banyan tree I found,
The featherless corpse of the sad singer,
The ever roaring mother nature waited in stillness,
Anger, sorrow and frustration all merged,
To make me understand once more, helplessness,
Closing all my senses I walked away,
From that place with a pleadge,
That I’ll rather live as a broken-hearted,
Than break any lovers heart.
Time and long struggle with life,
Took away the sadness of mine,
And the tune which I adored,
Faded away into the bad memory of mine,
In the very many years gone by,
I won, I lost and I survived,
Newness to nothingness, believable to unbelievable,
But always stood up to life without regrets,
Seven seas I passed from motherland,
From the land of warmth and mystery,
To the land of snow and wonders unheard,
Here again I won, I lost and I survived,
But the ever loving soul seem tired,
When loses outnumbered success,
All the castles I built turned to dust,
All the harmonious to disharmonious,
No thoughts, no dreams, no sleep,
As everything is in the season of decline,
Even the just set sun seems to hide fast,
From the eyesight of an unfortunate,
I feel so much vulnerable these nights,
Walking by the lake through the mist,
In moonless nights burying my last hopes,
I feel the remains of the winter, when the mist embraces,
In between, the warmth kisses my cheeks,
And sometime the western wind,
Brings me the smell of spring,
But there are those moments,
When everything stops even stars not blinking,
No warmth, no cold, no smell around,
The deadly stillness and silence of the nature,
Where I see the darkest part of the dark,
And hear nothing but the beat of my heart,
Then from the depths of my soul rise,
The tune from the soul of the dying nightingale.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM. This poem was written and released in LonelyPoet.Com in the winter of 1999. Now in the book Age Of Survival – Collection of Poems By LonelyPoet.
Age Of Survival will soon be available on Amazon Kindle, B&N Nook and Apple I-Book. With an additon of about 80 more poem from the original 193 Poems.

The printed original versions are available on Amazon and B&N and old book stores.

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