Unshed Tears On A Winter Eve.

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The skies have darkened far more than the lonely mind,
And through barks of the dried out trees fallen rain flown,
The owl hiding in the cloak of dark cried out loud,
Black ice failed to make the roads slippery for his walks.

Strange faces passed him by and strange they all remained,
Tantrums of minds, Ah’, how wonderfully hidden,
Behind fake smiles and unfelt greetings and away all walked,
A smirk of him to mother nature said “I don’t care”.

The up into the clouds he looked and darker they became,
A blessing prayer into his mind crept and echoed through veins,
Rain, again and again, struggled to stay as rain and no become snow,
The prayer he said out loud “There is no darkness created that can enter”,

“Enter into the light of our love”. Oh’, rain paused as a howling he heard,
Winter came and rain grew heavier, thoughts grew more heavier,
Street lights blurred as his eyes struggled hard to stay dry,
Love indeed became purer in unshed tears.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2020.

Photo by Leonsa on Unsplash

The Masked Smile.

Blog Post About This Poem – Please Read This Post Before Reading The Poem.

Winter forgot to bring all the might of cold and wind,
Dazed by the beauty of nature through the fall,
When life fell and in the thickening air life seems lost,
But, we know not how wonderfully winter preserve life,

Until we see the full bloom of spring when we forget,
The hands of winter without which life would’ve ceased.
And the poet wrote and again wrote with all his thoughts,
About the love every sense felt, he felt in the cooling air.

As through verses heaven on earth he described,
Oh’, clearer became the face of his love,
To everyone, those verses in depths touched,
Even in the deadly cold, the warmth of love they all felt.

Oh’, the veil the winter cold to every eye brought,
Tried hard to cover the concealed love of her,
Whose love by all readers through his verses experienced,
Ah’, they all rested from all the good deeds they did.

Questions he asked for which from her gestures answers found,
Wisdom all gained about how to love in new ways defined,
Such was the love the poet and his love gave to the world,
Still, the best of her love-filled smiles, hidden behind the mask of time.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2020.

Photo by Farrinni on Unsplash

To Her, Who Turned.

Blog Post About This Poem – Please Read This Post Before Reading This Poem.

Sightless stayed the humble unloved eyes,
As the vastness of space and time converged,
Into a show of strength of faith through love,
Oh’, through dreams felt, those unfulfilled dreams.

Voiceless stayed the poet’s verses ah’, love he wrote,
Unfelt remained and love to give he tried, declined,
The aching disappointments turned life into mirages,
Oh’, never-ending desert, loveless space and time.

Touchless stayed the heart of a man who only loved,
Ah’, he thought, when through unfulfilled dreams searched,
The twists and turns of life a synonym of a serpent became,
Oh’, every breath became a brutal tragedy.

She woke or her thoughts caught a beacon,
Somewhere in the depth, one little glow sprouted,
When the verses of pathos he sang she read,
Voices heard, sights gained and a touch wonderfully felt.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2020.

Photo by Kyle Cleveland on Unsplash


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She wandered through the wilderness unknown,
Concrete canyons and crowds so unpleasant,
Alone in the middle of the crowd and a mind whispering,
Verses of a man who finished his learning by loving her.

The long pleasant fields of corn and wheat left behind,
Learning about the most wonderful paradise on earth,
Ah’, no material touched that paradise that left unknown,
Except for the man who whispered her name in every breath.

Through every corner of life, he longed to pass,
In every bit of life lived deep inside he wished,
And from those lived and wished life he weaved,
Stories and poems echoed through her heart.

And her heart, the purest heart he has known,
Oh’, every beat of her heart a prayer,
And through those prayers she became,
The Bridge of light through which life in full, fulfilled,
The Bridge through which he can pass to paradise.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2020.

Love That Sizzles Through Your Veins.

Blog Post About This Poem – Please Read This Post Before Reading This Poem.

The first time I cried out loud was on a valentine’s day,
And on every birthday, a portion of my soul felt sad,
Even after thousands of dreams from my soul weaved,
As every day built a new stone of my castle of love for you.

Hurting words and thoughts, Ah’, fear took its fuel to grow,
And that fear wounded deeply the ever-smiling romantic,
Still, a portion of my soul felt glad as I know you remembered me,
And from the soul, a wave pulled my facial muscles to smile better.

We sing, we dance, and we succeed, and we fail, Ah’, life,
The double-edged sword with our own words and actions sharpened.
Didn’t you learn that no matter how far I am, how silent you are,
Love will make you think about me and wish another moment with me?

Gather the scattered ruins and build the castle of your design,
Upon which flag of success will flow in every wind of every season,
That bear witness to a reality that none ever were born to love you better,
Than the poet, lover and the love that sizzles through your veins.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2020.

Model Eva Maria

The Surrender.

Blog Post About This Poem.

Ah’, one day old age may violently rip me apart,
But about that day every day, I write a new joke,
And make the world laugh and along I laugh too,
Hiding the hidden sadness with pretty smiles.

There are those who say age is just a number,
Like a grammar corrector, I tell them age is history,
A dreamless silence that forever as a constant remains,
In memories, unforgettable, understanding, and unforgiving.

Every bit of those loveless and sad memories slowly filled,
By an everlasting spring with colors and flowers filled,
Though from every flower fell the melting mist like teardrops,
They all reflected the love-filled light of your soul, Little Boss.

And never will I cry in grief for in mind filled the love-filled light,
Of your soul, through known and unknown senses conquered mine

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2020.

Photo by saeed karimi on Unsplash

The Fighter II

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Days started alike, days ended alike, nights darker remained,
Hollow became the dreams that are meant to be fulfilled,
Hard became the breath that keeps the pulse in heart,
And the pulses fought hard to keep the love for you, Little Boss.

You are to me not a castaway who smiled before drowning,
You are to me an essence of a million dreams all growing,
Deep inside of you and I, love that symbolizes the feelings,
Of a millennium of springs, warm, bright, and color filled.

Every bit of creation of God we see holds a life of its own,
Life through experience that became known, many unknown,
You are to me is such an experience of many unknowns,
You are to me a monument of all knowns, Little Boss.

For in the pulse of my heart I feel the fighter who fights,
Every second of the day to repel every other feeling,
Other than the love that through the universe spreads,
That knighted fighter is you my darling, my Little Boss.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2020.

Photo by Victor Ene on Unsplash

The Fighter

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From birth till this day, very many stories I have heard,
From the day my memory spoke very many stories I told,
Those days never lost colors and into history haven’t fallen,
As the story of the fighter on every day, a word or line mind wrote.

That little fighter for every inch fought, with doubts but still fought,
Every dream well weaved and the fighter fought to fulfill each,
Failures brought mock-filled laughs and the tears held,
With the blood of vengeance tainted but still from world withheld.

Toys, and games, schools and friends, Ah’ fought for everyone,
Nothing filled the mind as an imageless shadow deep in soul grew,
Every time in the mind and soul the fighter felt a deep breath erased,
And the steps for the forward move always to face brought smiles.

College and work came faster than ever imagined,
Even after all that the battle for inches continued,
Held tears many times tore the heart and the shadow felt,
The pain and hid deep in the soul where no man can reach.

I looked in her eyes and I knew the last paragraph of the fighter’s story,
How many more battles she must fight to hold my hands I knew not,
For all I felt was the shadow in her mind found its image upon me,
And withheld tears tainted with blood of unknown vengeance she fought.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2020.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

The Torn Veil.

Blog Post About This Poem.

The times of followed passions and rules by humans made.
Heart beat in tune with the felt love in pulses uncaringly.
Along swayed autumn flowers all set to face mother’s brutality,
As a lost migrating bird with a broken wing sang a sad song.

What dreams he saw the poet wished he could see,
For, in the world of melancholic fashions lost,
The meaning of poetry in his love for her he wrote,
As beyond senses she chirped about dreams unseen.

Mock him not, Oh’, dear as love of him so rarely seen,
And a heart so sweet like yours so rarely by any lover felt,
Such is the connection between two humans linked,
Worlds beyond our imaginations stood in prayers for you two.

Tear away the veil the worldly ways woven between you two,
And through the eyes of love look to see compassion evolve,
Into life and love filled passions that sanctifies life here and hereafter.
Listen to the song of the lost migrating bird and show him a path.

Path you see through the torn veil and the fallen walls,
Path the passed storms cleared for both of you two to walk,
Hand in hand and hearts in care of the God given love for each other,
Live this once given life with shared happiness filled with smiles and joy.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2020.

The Pride Of The Mysterious Master

Blog Post About This Poem.

Gladness to leave us astray tried,
Ah’, how wonderfully we loved each other to hold,
Each other floating than drown in unbearable pain,
Never will I part a thought without you in it.

Sadness to spread through our unspoken love tried,
And broke our thoughts, words, and sight of each other,
Oh’, you became the reason for all my reasons to breathe,
And every bit of pain drowned with sadness leaving me smiling.

What gathered you together to speak your mind to mine?
Ah’, the unspoken love gained the beauty of your soul and spread,
Into every ray of light of sun and stars and touched the universe,
Look above dear to see the wonderful poetry your love became.

And in pride, I smiled as always in the corner of your mind I was,
The mysterious man whom you loved through my mystic ways,
And the mastery of that mystic made you a better lover and a poet,
Who in hearts of humanity wrote poems of love the moment all saw you.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2020.

Photo by Ilyuza Mingazova on Unsplash
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