There is not a lot to tell other than the greetings. That’s what Ithought. However I was thinking and recollecting a lot of thoughts thathad gone through me in this year. The year have only a week moreremaining. It was a tough, turbulent and in many ways optimistic year.Now we are nearing the end of it and I thought about what impacted memost. As usual poetry came up first. So I am going to rate fivepoets that impressed me most here in Xanga.
1) poems_are_my_soul.Lauren. A wonderful poet with great understanding of how to work withemotions and bring it out into poetry. She also show the remarkablecapacity to understand others poems. I told her this couple of times.She is the one poet who understand my poems to every word I write. Hertalent in bringing images using words is amazing.
2) Kekeway_Arinya_Mekae.My Mo Cushle Sam, the best imagery I have seen from a poet. In fact sheproduces poems with images, I mean real pictures. She does have theextraordinary talent. I don’t know how much she will put herself intothat talent. She writes little these days.
3) Rosesforalostcause .Helen, She can take any situation and develop a poem out of it.From ordinary class situations when she is in Math class she will comeup with wonderful poems. The one among all the poets I selected whoknow how to best use her talent.
4) Soulofthpoet.Ariel, she is a lot similar to Sam in many ways. They both know eachother through me. The difference is Ariel is one year younger butwrites a lot more than Sam. With age she will get better. A lot betterthan many others.
5) Amymozo.Amy, there is a lot of promise in this girl. She is a lot similar toHelen. Situation is not a problem and there is no hesitation inexpressing. She need to go further into playing with emotions andfeelings that inspire her to write. She will get there.
I picked up young talents because I need to encourage them. The olderpoets are all there. They all don’t need any encouragement. Haha. Idon’t know when I will rate poets again. It took three weeks for me todo this. Surprisingly I just couldn’t get a guy in there. Shame on youboys. Some of them I read are reckless drug addicts. Many others toomany eff words. Some others want to marry Elton John hehehe. You knowwhat I am talking about.
Now everyone, this is a Christmas eve, most of you may read this onlyon Christmas or the day after. I only have prayers and blessings tooffer. Remember Christmas is all about remembering the birth of one ofthe greatest man ever lived. With the simplest of means in the shortestof times. Rediscover yourself in simplicity.
Merry Christmas/Hanukkah everyone. Be blessed and be a blessing.
Here is a small poem after a long post. I just wrote it that’s all I can say about the situation .
To The Snow Flakes.
Oh’ how beautiful and fair, caressing my cheeks,
I blush at every touch of yours,
Cold but melting upon my lips,
And upon my eyelashes.
Snow they call you, with love I see you,
Cooling me, kissing me, all over blessing me,
From the darkest of the dark clouds,
As the fairest of the fairest.
Days later you are nothing but ice and dirt,
People walking over, sneezing and cursing,
Then as always ahead I look,
At the future so unpredictable,
Raise my hands and make a prayer,
For the world not to treat me,
Like the world treat you.