Seven years ago, I was working in Ft.Lauderdale, Florida when
my manager told me to make a website for my poems. I made my first site
without much knowledge in FortuneCity.Com. Initially I called it “The
Inspirations Of Riaz Poet”. Later I registered a domain calling it
‘LonelyPoet.Com’ and moved the first 15 poem into that site. I was
sitting in the HomeStead Village Suite. At that time I thought that
this should some day become my first collection of poems. I gave myself
2 years to write 100 poems. I never gave a thought about the days to
come. Three days later I evacuated from my suite because of hurricane
George and went to Key West. For some reasons unknown, I told myself
what’s to come will be as turbulent as this hurricane. The hurricane
did not hit Ft.Lauderdale, it took a turn and hit Key West. That
might’ve been a warning that I will not be able to run forever from
If I am going to tell everything about the nearly 8 years of
life here in America then it will take a whole book probably to tell it
all. Recently while talking to my best friend Deepak Prabhakar on the
phone I told “I have seen every bit of life in every possible
combination in the last 7 years. Feels like 5 lifetimes passed me by” I
went from place to place connected to my software consulting work.
First came to Milwaukee, that trip from India itself had most weird and
funny scenarios. Then from Milwaukee to Florida, then back to
Milwaukee, Got transferred to Indiana, then back to Milwaukee, then to
New York/New Jersey, back to Milwaukee, moved to Kansas, then to San
Francisco, then back to Kansas, then to Milwaukee again, then went back
to Kansas, from there to Texas, from Texas to Virginia, Now In upstate
New York. In all these places I lived and worked for at least 2 months.
. It was a plight I would not have taken if I’ve known before. But now
I remember what I told three days after I made my site “As turbulent as
this hurricane” and it was.
The promise of 100 poems in two years did not happen.
Last night I made the final changes into the 100th poem sitting in a
similar suite. All paid by the company. It gives me a feeling that a
cycle is over. Yes, seven years, lot of dates, mad love, 100 poems (101
if adding the last one which is ‘Tess Of The D’Urbervilles’ which is
not done yet) and a lot of weird events I am still standing haha.
Most of my poems are about my romantic failures, hopes and
dreams. The words hopes and dreams are used extensively in my poems.
Well real love is still in “hopes and dreams” for me. Therefore, I
don’t know if I ever fall in love with any girl. It may take a good
effort from any woman to get me out of this ‘Lonely’ shell. I don’t
expect it to happen at all. I am getting too old for running after
women. Haha.
If I say, the reasons are unknown for writing the following
poem it will be a big lie. However, I just don’t think it is
appropriate for me to tell it now. But I hope someday I will write
about it. Love is something I can write about for volumes may be never
feel in real. I promise you all that my writing don’t end here. It is
an end of an era for me and a turning point for my website,
That’s all.
Enjoy the poem.
An Angelic Incarnation.
All the time I lived for you,
All the dreams I’ve seen about you,
Wherever you are my dear,
All these days I was in the search,
Maybe can’t be said, as doubt always prevails,
But to the dream I always wish to see,
Don’t have any to say.
Oh’ I only wished to see that dream,
Every dreamer always dream to see,
But tongue twisted I lived,
When thought about the fulfillment.
In the depths of my mind I caressed,
A feeling embedded with a reality,
But the Angels that guarded that dream,
Burned away in the flame of my lost love,
And I was left astray,
With a hollow heart that lived,
In the mourning of a pathetic loser.
I looked around and tried to feel,
But fell and awaken nothing but obsession,
Filling my mind, threatening all minds away,
And like a gathering storm in winter,
Love outgrew in my mind and soul.
Winter has its own beauty,
With none out there to enjoy,
The soul and body was already frozen,
When everything to a dream got bound,
Repeatedly seen with different faces filling,
Life in all perfections and imperfections,
The reality of the dream never ever felt,
The dreams grown like a Banyan tree,
A life within a life, but a life unlived.
The spring brought warmth and colors,
But none of the colors seen,
By a heart in despair,
Then you came with summer,
Like that evening rain with warmth,
Waking every corner of my soul,
Through those eyes in sparkle,
Taking me in the awe of flight,
Of imaginations of unknown magnificence,
The frozen heart of mine, melted,
In the warmth of the love of yours.
Luxurious in being every moment’s blessing,
Unlocking the mystery of my unloved heart,
Everything real in me became blessed,
Everything unreal became fulfilled.
Through the bright days and sleepless nights,
The presence of the Angles I tried to feel,
Who all melted away in the lost love of mine,
But never felt in any senses of mine,
Even after the wishful prayers of mine.
The eve of the fall came and went,
The freeze came back with fury,
Love of yours have out grown every seasons sway,
Then in your everlasting presence I understood,
There were no guardian Angels for my love,
They were all metaphors of your arrival I felt,
In the awe of the love that surrounded me,
The well said lost love was a nightmare passing,
The unreal dream an illusion of my unwell mind.
Like the early morn spring sun melts the mist,
You with your love blown away the nightmares,
With your care my illusions disappeared,
As for each of them you being the reality,
Oh’ to the horizons never need to look,
For lucky stars and unseen guardian Angels,
As every hope and dream you took away,
And made my mind free for you in fulfillment.