Decorated Doors.

Blog Post About This Poem.

Those doors, Ah’, so pretty and wonderfully decorated,
They stood in might keeping what is inside, safe,
Each decoration we placed as an invitation,
To enter a place where imagination will newly define,

Define wonders in mind and filling soul,
With the touch of another mind in waiting,
For someone to knock, wait, and enter in peace,
Peace of love only weaved for the one behind the door.

Those are minds inside and from childhood I have heard,
About those doors and through life I searched and found,
Many looked decorated for my mind’s pleasant attraction,
And I knocked, knocked, and again and again knocked,

None answered, Oh’, those decorations in time evolved,
To mocking graffiti that weaved many nightmares,
Knowledge of ages and my own experience taught,
Meanings of those decorations meant nothing to true love.

Still, as through life in my own peace I pass, I notice,
Wonderfully decorated doors bring passionate attraction,
To mind and peaceful touch deep in my soul, Ah’, a craving,
From that old habit filled with hope, I still knock and knock.

Till now, none answered.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Truth About True Love.

Blog Post About This Poem.

True love is like a mother’s embrace,
A lifelong bond that nothing can replace,
For she can only conceive you once,
Carry you and deliver you, a spiritual dance.

Though others may look, speak and act the same,
None can compare to your mother’s name,
For she’s the one who gave you birth,
And loved you from the moment of your first.

The purity of her love is like an endless sea,
A heart-filled love that’s true and always free,
And though others may try hard to replicate,
None wholeheartedly can ever duplicate.

For true love is like a mother’s pure heart,
Love even in the worst storms can never fall apart,
Love in sincerity that is given without end,
Love unconditionally cherished by her friend.

So in this wild world if you ever feel alone,
Remember the love that you have known,
For true love is like your mother’s care,
A love in all its purity that’s always there.

Truth most times takes a silent path to reach,
As through it none can easily pass and teach,
Humanity to humans in lessons of a spiritual act
As true love indeed will express a divine fact.

None of us should fall victim to the whims,
And betrayal of another mocking soul,
Love indeed must be an expression of deep,
Feelings from one soul to another one must not hide.

If a soulmate from paths of truth treads astray,
Ah’, the other will become a motherless child,
A soul lost in darkness, frost, and fog, perpetually,
Where loneliness ghosts in dances of wrath.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

Thrilling Moments.

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Through wilder ways life goes on, it never stops
Thrilling moments that hold our breath at every hop
As none can predict combinations of what’s in store
But that’s what makes life worth more, unboring.

The thrill of chasing to know the unknown
In challenge keeps us on our toes alone
None can define what good or bad lies ahead
Through time and space, we face all with courage instead

Challenges petty, pretty, and hard may come our way
And in the brutality of the rights and wrongs we sway
But in that dynamics, we find our strength within
And knowingly or unknowingly the thrill of life we begin

From morning through night, we take on each day with zeal
The thrill of life, sprouting to end we can feel
As we thrive in ecstasy of the present moment
And with passion make the most of what’s potent

Life like a galloping horse goes on, and so do we
The thrill of life, through every sense we can feel,
None else, no matter how good, can define it for us
For we must live life with pious and peaceful trust.

When that trust one can find in another heart,
The thrill of life becomes the perfect art,
The beauty of life comes not with garlands and bells,
She comes and showers us with surprising gladness.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Photo by Natalya Ukolova on Unsplash

The Meditator.

Blog Post About This Poem.

Oh’, through the silent moments of life, we wander,
Touching the lights of the glowworms that guide us,
Feeling the senses dreams from imaginations we painted,
Leaving a prayer at the shallow graves of unfulfilled dreams.

In darkness the meditator finds peaceful meanings,
As across blazing realities the meditator stands,
Bows of realities with strings filled with worldly pleasures,
Those arrows no meditator cares, but with will ignores.

Springtime birthed all around melting winter frost,
Like tears of a departing lover flown through streams,
And swimming in those crystal waters spring freshened,
The meditator felt nothing but heard Spring’s naughty giggles.

Those little disruptions the meditator enjoyed,
What little, material world can offer though plentiful,
Appeared and danced around those evil machinations,
Unbelievers who lost all worlds in imaginary sciences.

Every step the meditator took in this worldly journey,
Nature, time, and space into the meditator dissolved,
As life beyond life the meditator beyond five senses felt,
The journey prepared for another century of life fate wrote.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Photo by Ian Stauffer on Unsplash

A Ride To Love.

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Through fields of green and pastures wide,
The train did chug and gently glide.
The countryside, so lush and grand,
Unfolded like a painter’s hand.

I sat alone, lost in dreamy thoughts,
Until a smiling lady near me caught
My eye, her beauty like the sprouting dawn,
From my thoughts, a lovely rose among the thorn.

We spoke of this and that, and more,
As we traveled on that train before.
I found myself drawn to her voice,
It made my heart skip, I had no choice.

As the journey wore on, we grew close,
The lady and I, like a budding rose.
She spoke her mind and shared her heart,
And I knew right then, we’d never part.

We talked and laughed for hours on end,
And with each passing mile, I called her friend.
But something more was blooming there,
A feeling I thought lost, that was rare and fair.

As we watched the world pass by,
She made me feel like I could fly.
She helped me see things I’d never seen,
And I knew she was my all-seasons queen.

With her by my side, the train ride was grand,
And I knew that she’d always understand.
As the sun set on that fateful beautiful day,
I knew that my love-filled heart was here to stay.

For, amid the tranquil countryside,
I’d found a love that could not hide.
And so I vowed to always be true,
To her as our hearts beat as one, side by side.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Photo by Camille Minouflet on Unsplash

The Queen Of Spring

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She sits among the flowers
With a smile that lights the day
Her hair is like a golden stream
That flows in a gentle sway

She wears a dress of lilac hue
That matches her soft eyes
Her skin is fair and flawless
Like the clouds in azure skies

She does not need a crown or jewels
To show her grace and worth
She is the queen of all the fields
The loveliest on earth

She makes the roses blush with shame
The lilies in respect bow their heads
The daisies dance around her feet
The sunflowers towards her turn their heads

She is the beauty of an everlasting spring
The joy that crowns every passing hour
She is the lady of my dreams defining future,
As in all simplicity, she sits among the flowers.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Photo by Hai Phung on Unsplash

Mythology Of Happiness

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Longed and longed all through her life,
Through silent shores alone she walked,
Where waves abandoned her footprints,
And trees shed leaves not giving shade.

The luck of life unapologetically ignored,
Her life in ways for many unimaginable,
Nothing waited for her in space and time,
She existed as if none through sense can feel.

Longed and longed for a bit of love and shed,
Many lonely tears away from celebrations,
Of the wealthy, charmed, and even the normals,
What is a day she knew not, directions mattered not.

Then the world through time took a turn,
And light fell all over her and her heartbeat heard,
Her looks looked upon, her voice, sang back,
Colors her dreams found, love in her garden bloomed.

His voice she heard in every sound around,
That fills her loving heart with joy and peace
His gentle touch she felt in every breeze
That caresses her skin with gentle grace

His smiling face she saw in every dream
That brightened up her lonely nights
His sweet kiss she tasted in every bite
That sweetens her lips with honeyed delight

His scent she smelt in every wildflower
That bloomed around her with fragrant love
His loving soul she learned in every hour
That connects her to him from above.

Mythology of happiness around her found,
Reality through love all around radiated,
Fragments of gladness she once wished, united,
To pave paths in fulfillment to eternal love.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Photo by Ruslan Fatihov on Unsplash

Lessons From Childish Romances

Blog Post About This Poem.

Mind colorless through a rollercoaster whizzed,
A billion images like in a kaleidoscope painted,
And into time disappeared those designs forever,
Oh’, senses in the senseless found an unholy union.

Somewhere in that rollercoaster ride a face smiled,
And to my soul I said to search and search for a spot,
To imprint that smile with a note of childish romance,
Soul found ways to laugh at my naughty thoughts.

Space and time those twins of science found new ways,
To drag me who thought of staying put in a comfy spot,
They both drowned way behind in that whizzed ride,
And now another twin held my hands through the unknowns.

As if awaken from a nasty dream I stood,
Where is darkness I screamed as light filled all around,
The twins drowned yet again into that whizzed ride.
My soul expected another twin to carry me through.

No stop for even a quick breath from life,
And all moved but only my left hand was held,
I looked right and nothing I found but a red rose,
And my left side held tight through new beginnings.

The boisterous laughs of my soul filled my ears,
And to my left I looked and saw the imprinted smile in real,
Lessons from those naughty childish romances told me,
To stretch the rose time left in my hand and kneel.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Lessons From Childish Romances

Photo by Abdul Gani M on Unsplash

To Cure The Real Disease

In a world that shuns the hurt within,
The health of mind is still a social sin.
A taboo, in-topic we would rather ignore,
And sweep under the rug, forevermore.

But as the pressure inside builds,
Some to violence turn, as a misguided guide.
They lash out in public, for all to see,
A cry for help, for their agony to be set free.

Yet still, we turn away with a blind eye,
To the root of the problem, we deny.
And blame the individual, not society’s neglect,
And continue to ignore the signs, with no respect.

Time to heal the real disease, break this social taboo,
To acknowledge that mental health is true.
Open up O’ World, to start a conversation,
And support those in need, without hesitation.

Let’s offer hope in peace and healing,
Instead of judgment and concealing.
For when we embrace those in need,
We’ll see a brighter future, indeed.

So let’s break down this wall of shame,
And pave the way for a world without blame.
Where health of mind is no longer a taboo,
And those in pain can find solace anew.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Photo by Matthew Ball on Unsplash

The Struggle Of Silence.

In the stillness of spiritual meditation,
Whole nature dissolves into body’s sensation,
As we quiet the mind and open the heart,
The love of Allah envelops every part.

The rustling leaves, the chirping birds,
The buzzing bees, the gentle words,
All become one with our very being,
In this moment of pure seeing.

The breeze caresses, the sun’s warm embrace,
The earth’s grounding, the water’s grace,
All merge into a divine cosmic dance,
As we dissolve into this divine trance.

The universe vibrates with a sacred sound,
As we merge with its rhythm profound,
The love of Allah echoes in every beat,
As we surrender to its heavenly heat.

The boundaries of self disappear,
As we enter a state of pure being here,
The love of Allah permeates all space,
As we dissolve into its divine embrace,

The struggle of silence completes.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Photo by Emad Mahmoud on Unsplash
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