The Arrival Of The Gift

Blog Post About This Poem.

Ramadan, the month of fasting and peace,
Where spirituality, in reality, finds its release.
A time to reflect life of peace and to pray,
To cleanse the soul from sins in every way.

The sun rises from east above the horizon,
And the day begins with the call of the muezzin.
Fasting from dawn to dusk, leaving all the luxuries,
A sacrifice that brings us a step closer to Allah.

The stomach may growl and grumble,
But the heart is filled with peace and humility.
As we break our fast with dates and water,
Grateful for the sustenance that Allah has provided.

The night comes alive with dhikir and Tarawih,
A prayer that rejuvenates the soul in absolute submission.
And the Quran recited in every verse,
Guiding us on the path of peaceful righteousness.

The month of Ramadan given by Allah as a gift,
A chance to improve soul and body and uplift.
To gain in a wild world compassion and forgiveness,
And defeat evil by spreading love and kindness.

Let us embrace this gift of Allah the holy month,
With open hearts and minds filled with love.
May we find peace and contentment in divine,
And be blessed with forgiveness in Allah’s mercy divine.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Photo by Imad Alassiry on Unsplash

The Unseen Island

Blog Post About This Poem.

My life became an unseen Island,
A place where no one dared to roam.
There, all surrounded by unknowns, alone,
Waves dancing and crashing against my shore.

The skies above were dark and bleak,
The mighty sun had lost its shine.
But still, I stood there alone and tall,
A beacon in the darkest paths of night.

My heart was heavy, sadness weighed me down,
By the burdens of the long gone past.
But still, like a parasite, I held my ground,
In the brutality of life, weathered and steadfast.

The winds of change from around the world blew hard,
Threatening in every way known, to tear me down.
But with all experience fueling me to yield, I refused
From lost boats and broken bridges, a survivor on my own.

In every reality, my life became an unseen Island,
But in all truth a place where I could be free.
And though the world in time may forget me,
Through my verses, I will stand here, eternally.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Photo by Lance Reis on Unsplash

The Girl With The Braided Hair.

Blog Post About This Poem.

Stubborn and lazy winter stood his ground,
As chirping birds in lingering winter shivered,
Chipmons shook away fallen snow and dug,
Everywhere to find a nut or seed in hunger.

Happiness still in the cold breeze I felt,
The silent poet who for sad truth searched,
And found in the cold, the wandering delight,
Who found gladness in everything through senses felt.

I saw her braids of gold, her hair cascades,
And turned with a smile so bright, her face pervades,
Her thick turquoise jacket, a warm vibrant hue,
A white scarf around her neck wrapped, too.

Her eyes of blue, or sky touched crystal light?
She can enchant even heartless rocks in pure delight,
Drawing souls into her soul with just one glance,
Into a world of love-filled smiles and a blissful trance.

A girl so fair, a vision from beyond imagination, to behold,
A heart felt so pure, a poem on its own written in gold,
When she turned towards me, Ah’, what a joyous sight,
Her smile filled the air as a beacon of pure light.

With braids of glittering gold and eyes of ocean blue,
She captures hearts into captivity, both old and new,
A girl so rare among wild humanity, a rare gift to see,
A radiant beauty outside who spreads charm, forever free.

The air thinned, from her smile or the just freed sun?
Warmth replaced bitterness from faces stunned,
Truth enveloped hearts about the beauty that changed,
Seasons with her charm and gladness filled heart, unashamed.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Photo by Abbat on Unsplash

Kindness Given In Pain

Blog Post About This Poem.

Pain filled her face but still as an ornament appeared,
As in frustration, she tried to take her earring stuck,
Every passing minute added anger and pain but in vain,
Those lovely ears turned red as she persevered through pain.

Strength of her mind increased in sheer determination,
As stubborn became the earring and stayed stuck,
Pain grew through every vein of her and my eyes too welled,
A touch of love from her soul through her filling eyes I felt.

In the folds of her heart, a glimmer of hope I saw,
Hope in her resolve to conquer this minor hinder,
Her struggle may sound so small to all who hear and read,
But her strength and perseverance touched all who saw.

I will forever remember her courage and grace,
When my own obstacles in future I may face in life’s race,
For even in pain, anger, and pitiless adversity,
She taught me to find love and strength in simplicity.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

A Story In Black And White

Blog Post About This Poem

The ticking clock haunted heartbeat like a beast,
As swarms of memory from past woke and wept,
The stillness of mother nature still nurtured,
Threads of romantic dreams yet to be weaved.

Gone by are the days of love I thought,
As age grayed my beard and parts of head,
“Much older you are” a fairy told and left,
And my love I laid to rest, Ah’, at least I thought.

Somewhere from the good old days of mine,
I pulled the good I learned and forgave,
All who left without kindling the candles of love,
As darkness gave me charming looks of youth.

When in meditations of loneliness I sat,
Darts passed me by and my eyes opened,
To see who aimlessly hunts me in dark,
Her aim was sharp but missed me deliberately.

Found her hidden in camouflage of woods so green,
The light of love filled a lightless lover, ah love resurrected,
Who is she, and why from all colors of the world she hide?
I forgot every love begins the same, from unknown to known.

A piece of music unheard she whistled and I heard,
The story of a seeker of pure soul and kind heart,
And in return, I asked “Am I so pure and kind to you?”,
And to me, she sang “Open thy eyes from thy inner heart”,

I rested my head on the fat Oak beneath I sat,
And every sense found a change from all corners of life,
Every bit of color from everything unpeeled and fell,
As she showed me her true self of perfect purity.

I stood up and to her, I said, “The world needs us as a change,
As our love may erase darkness from many eyes in and out,
Then there is a world out there that will try to tear us apart,
To face all that if you are ready, hold my hand and guide me right.”.

As hand in hand out of the woods we walked,
The world indeed looked black and white and each step of ours,
Colored the world around and filled with springtime blooms,
Our story may still be black and white but colors awaited us ahead.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Photo by Alexander Krivitskiy on Unsplash

The Unseen Face

Blog Post About This Poem

Through the hallway of the old building she walked,
Face hidden from my searching eyes, Ah’, only her back in view,
Her right hand was tenderly clasped in her left,
As if life’s shallow feelings she never wants to let go.

In a white shirt and skirt, below her knees,
The right side of her thigh was revealed, with boots of black.
Her untamed hair danced on her back,
And with each step, an exotic beauty was unveiled.

The walls of the hallway echoed her grace,
As she passed, her beauty was a blessing,
Her presence was felt, though her face was unseen,
The hallway filled with her presence, so sweet.

The girl continued and vanished in the twilight,
A memory of her beauty, ever present in the night,
Her silhouette stayed in the minds of those who saw her,
Etched in the walls of that old building forevermore.

From that day for many days in mind a heavy weight I carried,
Her face I thought I must have seen, my mind forever craved,
What beauty that face must have had, Oh’, wishes restless ran,
Then to that hallway where I saw her I once more went,

And alone through that hallway, I walked in her imitation,
Somewhere in my mind echoed an embossed thought,
Life got better with just a beautiful face of her sketched,
By the walls, roof, and floors in my mind, her beauty in perfection.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

The Girl Who Outshined Twilight

Blog Post About This Poem

With pen in hand and heart ablaze,
I’ll try my hand at poetry today.
I’ll weave some words to create a tale,
Of love, of loss, of hope, of travail.

The world around us, so vast and grand,
A canvas for the poet’s hand.
The trees that sway, the birds that sing,
A symphony that makes our hearts take wing.

The sun that rises in the east,
A daily miracle, a visual feast.
The stars that twinkle in the night,
A reminder of life’s eternal light.

The people we meet, the friends we make,
Their stories, their struggles, their hearts that ache.
The bonds we form, the love we share,
A gift from above, beyond compare.

In poetry, I find a place,
To express myself, to find my grace.
To tell the world of what I see,
And share my heart, unabashedly.

So let me end this verse, this rhyme,
With a hope for peace in these troubled times.
May poetry be a light in the dark,
And bring us closer, heart to heart.

Ended my rhyme and still, my heart versed,
The thoughts blended into smile-filled daydreams,
The ever searching eyes found a joy for my heart,
When an image flashed in front of my eyes.

In the midst of a green expanse,
Stands a girl in white, so serene,
The setting sun, her backdrop dance,
And twilight, her halo, it seems.

She weaves her way through scattered minds,
A dream-weaver, spreading magic and wonder,
Her beauty seeps into every thought and bind,
And her charms, like spring, tear hearts asunder.

The sun, it lingers in the sky,
Enamored by her pure grace,
But my love for her, it shines so high,
Outshining even the sun’s bright face.

Her warmth melts even the coldest of souls,
As they fall in love with the vision she brings,
Yet all she shows are enigmatic roles,
And a silhouette that never truly sings.

She stands there, so still and free,
A vision of beauty in the field,
Her presence brings such joy to me,
My heart to her, forever yield.

Her mystery is her greatest allure,
A puzzle to be solved, a game to play,
Her presence a gift, her absence a torture,
A fleeting vision, that fades away.

And as the sun begins to set,
And darkness takes its hold,
I’ll hold her close, my sweet brunette,
And never let her go.

She wanders on, weaving dreams in minds,
Leaving a trail of longing and desire,
Her beauty lingering, her presence enshrined,
In the hearts of dreamers who never tire.

For in this moment, all is right,
With her, my world’s complete,
The girl in white, my shining light,
My love, my heart’s retreat.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Marina Regina

Love Filled Winter Days.

Blog Post About This Poem.

The assumptions of life in needs and wants,
And we live in imaginary bubbles we assume exist,
As none comes here alone and care of all we receive,
We leave alone, leaving our love imprinted in loved ones.

Touched only through senses and sensed only by love,
Fragility of mind, tests of brutality of time withstood,
As even in mid-age innocence in heart grew,
That shown the beauty from inside upon the body.

And that innocence through her smiles grew and spoke,
“Kindness at times is not in accepting love,
Kindness at times is in making someone feel loved.”,
World wandered around her in ecstasy and her smiles, unseen.

Time choked at the audacity of soul
When the world into an unloving mode thrown,
Driven by faithless, fueled by greed and ambition,
Where silence became the warrior prince of love.

Ah, silence fought and failed and lay bleeding,
The verses of love, Oh’, though unwritten still spread,
What said oh’ timeless became as she smiled
Replacing mirages with fulfilled dreams.

Then paths of life in all wild and weird ways I saw,
Triumphs of life, failures, complexities, and confusions,
The ones who made every second a moment of drama,
The unknowns, the hidden, the unbearable all shined.

All the glory faded when to my conscience I said,
“Never will I deny myself a line of verse,
Never deny me a poem of life
Touch the girl in her heart,
Touch the girl with your soul,
Fill her soul with your love,
Fill her soul with love for you,
That fiery soul with love she never felt.”.

As every star in the sky brightened and blinked,
Those wild worlds with violence and fire, pretty looked,
From far, but none can ever reach, none should ever touch,
That lesson from universe I learned when burying my doubts.

Doubts about the love in her heart or the purity of my love,
And watching the sunrise I fell asleep,
Waking up as night dews fell, her face in all beauty I saw,
The best sunrise adorned me when she smiled.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash
Audio Of The Poem

Love Me Out Of My Misery.

Blog Post About This Poem.

I saw her dancing through the fog,
Upon the thin layer of the just fallen snow,
That long skirt dragging like an unlived life,
The snow-filled branches in respect bowed.

I saw her filling shelves with clothes,
Calm and steady her hands followed her mind,
Dreams around her like pigeons lurked,
Love through her eyes showed a soul so kind.

A dream once I weaved I remembered,
Where hand in hand with a loving girl I walked,
Through her came heavenly blessings every man wished,
And magical verses became every word we talked.

In unusual warmth of the world branches unbended,
Dreams rolled up in the eyes of those pigeons and flown,
The fog remained and more rolled up with darkness,
And my mind screamed “Love me out of my misery”.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2023.

Photo by Jeffery Erhunse on Unsplash


Blog Post Associated With This Poem

My dreams upon wintery clouds sat,
And looked down on the snow-covered lands,
Where once I walked in pleasantness of romance,
With you in mind and a soul lighted by my love.

Planets and stars for reasons unknown birthed and died,
Seasons changed when the sun, moon, and earth danced,
Time ran faster than anything anyone knew,
The human mind outpaced time in imagination.

Imagination one by one they became rosary beads,
And I bound them well in time with your face as a pendant,
Together they all became a dream from my soul escaped,
And now upon some frozen cloud sit, mocking my lonely life.

I cried not thinking about the mocking dream,
I thought not about what stayed in past and pushed,
Me to a future of me, myself, and times unknown,
As summer to fall succumbed and fall to winter fury fell.

My heart kept its lower note of beats,
As turmoil all around through disease and despair spread,
Hollow sounds of wedding bells at times rang,
And material hearts thought they were my love’s last breath.

Life of love Ah’, time tried hard to consume,
With detached emotions and unburied dreams,
Sun only rises in the east but my love from every corner rose,
And to her said, “Love will live for you endlessly, undead.”.

Like cold-filled marbles eyes of her stared,
Dreamless mind through empty shores searched,
Every moment passed, like a year, felt in my heart,
As her loveless lips with another shade of dark, froze.

My dream in another man’s ears you whispered,
And through swirls of darkness with candle lights shined,
You and he with flesh and blood unlovingly celebrate,
The devil’s curse upon humanity, Oh’, he dragged you too.

You froze that part of your mind with love at me looked,
And murdered many times my love in every dream,
Those graves you dug, Oh’, upon which grew roses,
Spreading my love again and again making my love undead.

©RIAZAHAMMED.COM–All Rights Reserved – 2022.

Photo by Roman Melnychuk on Unsplash
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