When heartfelt I wrote ah’, you heartlessly mocked, Silent impulses deep in the folds of heart remained, Life, like a screaming dragon, flew around spitting fire, Ah’, days of romance took a turn into a new season.
The days, Ah’, days of fall unfurled a vicious cycle, Where dreams through veins passed frozen darkness, Romance fought hard and inside belly lay defeated, Those butterflies lost their wings, rotted, and disappeared.
“What did I cry for when birthed?” I asked, What dreams in that womb I saw, I questioned, What lessons in childhood, adolescence, and youth did I learn? Asked many “What”, “Why”, and “How” questions into silence.
And silence indeed I found in everything living and unliving, As touch of love they abandoned in a shallow grave, Dug in haste, thinking life is just a shadow that will leave, When lights of truth around one will soon spread.
The acts of love Ah’, what a fictional drama, Lived through rolls of mind-altering smoke and intoxicants, The paints of faces and the color-filled costumes all add, Perfection upon bodies where the mind finds prisons to hide.
Such are the thoughts the unfolded season of fall gave, And the laughs of many prisoners this true love heard, I cared not except the one whom with love I called, The one who added a wedding gown over her masquerade.
The drifting time eased at a face fascinating, And through time passed I searched, And in the passing time through imaginations searched, If ever seen her likes in my life and I found none.
Calm like a resting dove she looked, Held her peace in utmost romantic charms, Gave mind more to imagine and weave, Dreams, senses loved to weave with passions.
Compassion in her eyes in depths shown, A wonderful soul by material world unadulterated, A query of welfare through her shiny smile she asked, And a million flowers bloomed in the folds of my heart.
As from her artistic mind, she spoke, Her imaginations and her views of dreams, Through the drifting time I too along with her moved, With wings spreading in the sprouting romantic dream.
Sun again and again set in the west, Light went out for many for good, As the light they left, many minds filled, With memories of happy times passed, Some achingly remained filling themselves, With hopes and hopes on melancholic hopes, Many stood in silence when sadness sang, And then there are those even in the darkest hours, Waited for that happy gong to ring as Every breath of them defined a new ray of light.
That gong in front of the hospital placed, Where people with uncurable diseases treated, Pain through their veins and flesh danced, In tunes, only in nightmare most heard, Yet, through their love and compassion, they find, Ways to heal and when to the wild world they leave, They ring the gong with sparkling eyes and loved-filled hearts.
I wish and pray when a breath I can spare for their cure, I praise their will and speak words that give them strength, Strength to unite every sense of theirs in the cures they find, And dance to the tunes of that gong, every time they ring.
The wish for silence all through veins howled, And the veins stretched and stretched around time, And through endless space far beyond the pace, Of light and imaginations screaming flew.
Ah’, in it all in every microsecond sprouted, The agony of a man alone sat, unloved, His dreams resonated with dreams of men, Who were all betrayed in the name of love.
Love defined and refined through the five senses, Love forged and weaved in dreams of lifetimes together, But love lost in the fabrications of passionless fashions, And uncouth humans who couldn’t smell the spiritual world.
Spiritless love swallowed and vomited the world celebrated, Ah’, marriages and vows, and compassionless prostitutes, Every living breath a thread in the net of brutal betrayal, Yet, she fabricated a smile, she married, she celebrated.
The one who sat got up, and into that world walked, The screams first got louder, throat broke when to speak tried, Eyes tried to weep but subdued by emotions into empty sockets, The fallen passions, compassions, and truthful words he picked.
He walked, he ran, then he stopped to see all those followed, All stood stunned, men of all ages with love-filled eyes stood, No tears from any of those eyes fell as truth of lovelessness, Learned and said, “Broken Hearted Men Never Weeps.”.
The falling rain, Oh’, spoke a language unknown, Through whispers heard between the droplets, Ununderstood maybe the poetry that unrhymed, Yet, the felt sadness rhymed as it blended in chorus.
Romancing life, Oh’, into the kaleidoscope of tragedies fell, Every beginning a wonderful pattern in imaginations kindled, When closer to reality reached, Ah’, patterns rolled, And left with a handful of shattered glasses of many colors.
The drowning dreams from memory pools one last time tried, To shine bright and give a smile, Oh’, you so brutally erased, You, my dear the blessing I sought who cursed yourself, To be the palindrome of curses my life till end of times carry.
About hopes, about gladness, about sadness ah, quartets I wrote, Storm after storm borrowed their beauty and wiped my tears, Yet, time came through days like drops of rain or falling flurries, Unknown to all a rhythm they all gave for an unwritten lullaby.
Silence through the valley crawled, But the wind a naughty game played, To beat every bush from rocks on hills, And falling streams who all in shyness giggled.
That late spring day woke somewhere up, On snow-cap mountains were sun rays danced, And through the snake-like roads, a car moved, With windows open and between mom and day sat,
A little girl who sang along with her dad a song, The calm, soft voice of Lionel Richie, Ah’ so wonderful, They knew not, “How Long must this feeling go on”, but all sang, The air, the pebbles, and plants all prayed, forever happiness.
The memories gathered Oh’, how precious they are, None of them knew as the car along the bending paths moved. None of them knew life paths ahead have more twists and turns, And at times can become a blinding reality than a happy song.
Dreams have grown, so did that little child into a lady, Her passions once to parents known, in material world they lost, And every move she made left a million questions in their minds, Every question took her away from their sight into the unknown,
Love gave calluses in souls and used every beat of hearts, Tired they all stood as faces to each other became strange, The unknown became a dark cloud and into it, she disappeared, Memories once weaved all over the mountains as orphans lingered.
And came a night when another soul to her talked, The young lady at times felt shy but never annoyed, His little jokes and cautious reminders of life ahead, In that night the song she remembered and found.
The world has a wonderful magnificence to communicate, And to her dad, she sent that song that took one orphan, From lingering memories, who got a new life in all hearts, Once a little girl, now a lady, with a drop of tear in her eyes slept.
Mother nature in silence stood watching, The pain of that mother in labor screamed, The wholeness of womanhood embraced, When that baby girl screamed out loud.
Why did she scream? None ever asked, All ate sweets and some wiped tears of joy, Those little hands and small eyes looked, All around with eagerness and amazement.
Childhood days so blissfully taught, From baby steps to sounds of nature, The colors of nature to the touch of wind, All made her heart a perfection of beauty.
She has the elegance of a poetic verse, The shinning charm of a billion stars, She can drown the sorrows of an era, As every ray reflected from her is love.
Every step of her mother nature learned, Ah’, childhood days faster they left, And playful thoughts in her soul weaved, Dreams of future ways and future days.
Blended all the perfections of seasons, Mother nature took all lessons learned, And into that young growing beauty ingrained, Quality of a beauty that never fades.
Every step of her the world around rejoiced, Pride many shown just being alive in her era, As every perfection in front of her bowed stood, Her smiles gave them all supplicated fulfillment.
As those days joined history in pride of joy, To see a young lady blooming into the world, Nothing mother nature in jealousy produced, Outdone the charm and sweetness of Mahidevran.
The seasons changed so did our little beauty, The princess one day stayed out late and fell asleep, Upon the cooling grass where falling leaves fought, To touch her and blanket her from the falling dews.
In her sleep through her conscience came, she saw, Legends of her beauty far and wide, spread, And the prince of an empire in despair pray, In his eyes yearning for a love she saw.
All around him a thick dark mist danced, Dark clouds filled the sky and thunders spoke, In languages unheard and boisterous laughs filled, With curses and malicious magic spells and sobs.
Waking up to an owl’s call back to her palace she ran, And to her mother about the dream she saw she spoke, And her surprised mother held her hands and said, “Oh, blessed you are dear, I have news to tell you;”.
Unrolled a small painting the mother with a shy smile said, “Your beauty and character, the world well heard and spoke, The Sultan of the Ottoman asking for your hands for his son, Here, see the charming prince Sulaiman, your future love.”
Surprised she stood as it is the image of the prince she saw, In her dreams who stood with hands held high in prayers, And to herself she promised, the love he yearns she will give, And she will become a God-given blessing from him with love.
Thoughts through the dream pierced hard, As what she saw she relieved in her mind, Ah’, all around him dark clouds and fire she saw, And she knew into that fire and clouds is where she walks.
The clouds by the wind painted, Images everyone’s imaginations constructed, Their shadows never ever by anyone felt, Some rolled into the hearts of disappointed souls.
Oh’, to those disappointed, how many times reality looked, Like a lie when the mind lost all hopes in dark illusions, How wonderfully hopes made tragedies look pleasant? Didn’t they all once take flight in our conscience?
Didn’t we define each other in what we weaved? Threads one after the other that in looms of life set. And one after the other each other’s dreams united, And shown dreams as the romance between us projected.
The world is no crazy place as long before us in perfection made, Lost our ways when rules of age, culture, and religion played, In the hands of uncouth traditions and tantalizing mischiefs, By friendly faces, who all will forget you and me in years to come.
Ah’, what’s left are the dreams you and I weaved, As they through our minds like summer storm clouds float, Oh’, life dried from all sides as loveless our minds became, Even in the nights, Oh’, body melted like in a furnace.
After the long search, upon the dry bed of a river, I sat, Failing to find a place to drown the dream of you and me, Then to the passing time, I said, “Never heal this wound, Never erase the memories, as my love ends in her.”.
The sun scared the full moon into a dark tunnel As the beauty of the day flourished and grabbed Me by the hand composing an unheard tune, Rhyming with the pulse of your soul and mine.
The material me in the middle of nowhere stood, As my silence became an untamed vulture, Patient, yet hunger brought blood to its eyes, My hunger for love set fires in my eyes and heart.
And to the beauty of the day that flourished, I said, “When reality looks like a bad dream, you should know, The seeds you have sown in hearts grown into a newly written fate, Where romancing lovers only exited in broken dreams.”.
The vulture lost all his patience and with sharpened beaks came, And looked down on the corpse of a beauty freshly dead, As he fed on with brutality his own eyes filled with tears, Oh’, what a beauty she was before the dream broke and murdered her.