Inner Eyes Blind

Two eyes at the wonders of the world looked,
Colors and colorless all around brightened,
Seeing the known, unknown and unseen,
Filling mind imaginations what two eyes can’t see.

The ears heard the sounds of nature clear,
The brutality of mankind screamed aloud,
Noises mother nature never imagined we made,
Ah’, all of them left images in mind to see.

Sweetness of fruits and nuts tongue loved,
Many tastes body never felt through veins spread,
What wonderful textures of thoughts in mind weaved,
As the woven scarves touched heart to open wide.

Held the roses in hand and touched the clouds above,
The air breathed yearned to give life more colors and sounds,
As touch and smell united in mind to open new eyes in mind,
Through which images unseen by any by mind painted.

All senses united as if in meditation and unblinking stayed,
As all images united and painted a collage of your face,
Oh’, light soul gave lost and together all of them went blind,
When you said another name instead of mine.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2021.

Photo by Mariah Krafft on Unsplash

The Defeated Lover.

Defeated lover, Oh’, times of deception and betrayal passed,
No bloodshed, no soldiers fought, words spoken sparred,
And brought to time and space, suffering, with pain-filled,
Life altered, wishes burned, dreams drowned, loneliness returned.

Not heaven, nor angel, not the whole world, nothing bigger than life,
Just the normal man, walked, ate, slept, and dreamt like any man,
A simple man looked to become a heartbeat for a heart to chase,
Betrayed by unspoken words and deceptive acts, Oh’, well defeated.

Spiritual existence into a narrow, deep, and dark tunnel entered,
Only visions in mind guided as life slowly moved ahead,
Time and space, Oh’, dwarfed and at them, life mockingly laughed,
And never-ending the tunnel felt as strength too defeated felt.

The blended mind and conscience into the soul whispered,
About the beauty of the light at the end of this tunnel that will show,
The beauty of life through time and space again ahead will move,
How many spring and summer joys to enjoy and winters to survive.

Oh’, the beauty of that light has only one Earthly source,
The light, the Unimaginable Supreme being into life blessed,
Ah’, time and space defined many meanings and all meaningless became,
As the Earthly source only shown the face of yours in the purity of love.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2021.

Photo by Elia Pellegrini on Unsplash

Sadness At Dusk.

Dusks, Oh’, how wonderfully God created you all,
For, every day a new you show the melancholy of the day,
And a true lover will always shed a drop of tear when you leave,
With the hope better tomorrow sprouts from you at dawn.

He searched for the meaning of you in every corner of nights,
He searched for the meaning of you in every part of days,
Nothingness found new meanings and laughed boisterously,
And he hoped a new meaning will come through you someday.

Imaginations twinkled through mind faster than light,
Even in those imaginations found no meanings that speak,
The sadness you leave on every dusk he watched in tears,
And he hoped a new you will brighten imaginations on another day.

Then a day came when about all unforgotten things he thought,
And he found the meaning of sadness in you he always saw,
You show the soul of all who watches you and makes them feel,
The hope and all he found was the sadness of his soul in you,

As his lover and love were lost in a night that one day followed you.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2021.

Photo by Dimitry Zub on Unsplash

The Murderer

The globe danced round and round and I glanced,
Countries filled with cities and towns with people filled,
Round and round they too danced and unknowingly moved,
My conscience, the little boy said “what a blissful ignorance”.

The Sun and moon and other globes took all of us with them,
Through the empty space in dark and light of stars and force,
Dreams we weaved about those flights and the world we forgot,
And the little boy said “what an unforgivable fantasy”.

Age may change the color of my hair, not the content of my character,
Time may show faces unseen but sure I never will forget or forgive,
Silence never lived even in the depth of my soul that fuels,
As the little boy never grew up but still said “what a shame”.

Through my fantastic imaginations, I became the judge,
As life’s misery all around I see and empty handed I stood,
Helplessness became a plague that left me no choice,
As I shot that little boy again and again until he died.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2021.

Photo by Ali Pazani on Unsplash

The Fallen Romantics

The fallen romantics Oh they are not silent anymore
Can’t you hear the bleeding skies screaming,
And the flashing clouds brutally at each other crashing,
In between the chaos, every conscience hear the weeping,
Of a man bend with lifeless love and pathetic choices of you.

The last phase of the night left me astray,
Oh’, the dark clouds hid our paths for so long,
Blinding even the depths of our inner eyes,
Throwing us astray from paths of each other,
Drowning our dreams in the abyss of this unreal world.

As the lover in me drowned in an old dream I saw,
Serpents of unknown magic from all sides attacked,
The dream took me to depths of abyss of a soul, drowning,
And to that soul, again and again, I asked questions I asked,
For all my life I have seen that dream… “where is your face?”

This time I found a light, that took me from drowning,
Into the world of the known and unknown, ah’, all mixed,
Where all creatures worn masks and in howling celebrated,
Oh’, then I saw the source of light, the light that fueled all,
Above all, the love I felt in my soul, the face of yours…

Let us not join our hands to fall into darker dreams,
Nor cross paths to let our shadows fight for us to bleed,
Let us silence the thoughts that speak the ill of each other,
May the arrows of hatred, the world unto us fires,
Become the pure garlands of our romantic unity.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2021.

Photo by shahin khalaji on Unsplash

The Lover You Love.

The evening sun melted upon you like a candle unwavering,
The challenges of the world disbursed in your glory,
Ah’, such is the strength of your love inside of you hide,
Singing lullabies to the lover you love who lives with your love.

As the lover you love sharpens his pencils to draw,
Images through words in ways poetic world unseen,
Unheard, Unread, Oh’, dear, my darling, Little Boss,
Oh’, darkness shall never fall on the talent of thy love.

Silent is the word he chose to show the world your eyes,
The giver of hope is what he chose to show your nose,
The speaker of truth through kisses erases aches, he said,
To show the world how wonderful your lips are.

The glory of moon doubled, he said to show your cheeks,
And the softness of a dove with a smile he said to tell,
About your chin that pointed whenever he made you smile,
When your face he drew the image of yours in minds.

The youngster from the crowd forward came,
And into his eyes, she looked and softly spoke,
“Images of great painters and artists time may erase,
But the love filled image of that face from minds never will erase,

“Someday someway a lover will give me such a feeling of love,
Drawing my images in minds with love filled words and verses,
Until that day I will pray for the long life of yours and your love,
Then you will pray for me and love with your blessings I may find.”.

Lover you love continued his wandering through wilderness of dreams.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2021.

Photo by Ilias Chebbi on Unsplash

The Farewell.

My conscience held my hand like a tyrant held his throne,
Life boasted about my good deeds and hid all my bad ones,
The ones that made me a little man than the iron and starched,
Who walked by treasures of the ocean of the material world,
And chose a lonely desert where life stays hidden.

I searched not any hidden paths nor the hidden living under,
Walked through the blazing heat and the frozen nights,
Nothing brought me down in will-power fueled journey,
My poetry flew into thin air and my story untold remained,
Ah’, no quicksand drowned me even when I wanted.

I rhymed not with anything in my journey through zeroes and ones,
I famed not as that world never found the desert dweller,
No fortunes anywhere I sought to cloak my body that cloaked,
The soul once as an empty vessel I carried through wilder greenery,
My soul as a fortune unfound so my journey goes unnoticed.

If searched, Ah’, you will find, I loved and I lived her love,
I lost and I live through pain given by her even in the desert,
Ah’ those flowers I see are strong and no winds or heat can break,
Their will to sprout, survive and succeed beyond all despairs known,
The steps ahead though through forceful loneliness will be happy.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2021.

The Solitary Soulmate.

The verses written, the ink has dried, the love conveyed,
The sheets lay all around, in every bit of reality, scattered,
Like the life my love gave me when about loving you I spoke,
The tests of life everything existing thought I failed but not me.

A liar I am not, a hero I am not, a humble human I am not,
I am the one who looked at and in that instant knew,
All the meanings of the meaningless, all the hidden, revealed,
As such was the power of love for me, Ah’, in your eyes I saw.

Oh’, dear, my soulmate, love cannot be given or felt in solitude,
Love felt cannot be hidden or kept suppressed for any reason,
For the pain through life comes, Oh’, so unbearable it will become,
The weeping eyes will pray to your soul to accept me in your love.

I am no street-mongrel begging for a piece of moldy bread,
I am no stranger whom up close you know not nor understood,
I am not the villain in folklore trying to steal a princess into darkness,
I am the one your soul into your whole being whispered as Soulmate.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2021.

Photo by Geran de Klerk on Unsplash

A Quarrel With A Dreamer.

Miles and miles of cornfields passed and my car carried,
With power, the broken-hearted through the mid-west lands,
The melted snow and ice fattened the streams beside roads,
And steadily flew as if in a hurry to reach somewhere unknown.

The heart beat in steady rhythm of some unheard song,
Questioned I the reason for the pathos heart followed,
Conscience and fate refused to answer my reality,
And I woke the dreamer and told him a joke or two.

The dreamer told me about a bow he once held,
And took arrows one by one and fired through thinning air,
None hitting anything fell all over the field in front seen,
Each one disappearing after the fall not to be found.

“Such will be the fate of life without reason and meaningless”,
He said, and left me to thoughts about the love I lost,
“what meaning should I find in my love, when the one I love,
Left for another man and the world in mock filled laughter?”.

Silence ended our quarrel and I passed more miles of fields,
The sun setting somewhere beyond the southwest horizon wept,
The twilight spilled blood one more time and into dark left,
I watched my fate of meaninglessness unfold yet another night.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2021.

Photo by Rob Potter on Unsplash

Shadows On A Young Face.

Remembered I about old folks in my young days I met,
They passed their days in occupation and business of many kinds,
Evenings they passed in gossips and radio drama and music,
Most slept little, when they slept they drove away ghosts with snores.

Always talked about their youthful days of games they played,
Love they sought Ah’, how shy they looked when about love spoke,
I passionately spent many days and remembered in regularity,
As nothing they did for the world to remember, long after they are gone.

One day, a relative of mine said “How wonderful poets are!” and recited,
A poem by a famous poet of folklore and love that caught my heart,
I looked through many journals of mine to see if any talent for poetry,
Nothing I found, still I wrote all I felt good in form of verse I chose.

Someday, someone who knows nothing may read and learn,
About me and all that I cared and all passion that made me write,
Oh’, they will learn about the love I felt and the love in honesty I gave,
They will know always in the folds of my heart she lived and loved.

How many men are out there who can boast about their love?
Talk, tango, and sex won’t make people lovers nor even people,
The sanctity of understanding, the passion to embrace that feeling,
The feeling of the soul senses cannot feel through love gained.

How many men are out there who can differentiate?
Between themselves and stud-bulls in southern farms,
Oh’, women of the world find the lover who can love,
And make you remember by the generations to come,

Or all the fake love slowly grow in your senses and soul,
As shadows forever upon your veil-less faces will show,
Darkness you will feel even in the best, divine ever gave.
Such a shadow upon your face I see, my dear, my dearest.

© RIAZAHAMMED.COM – All Rights Reserved – 2021.

Photo by Christina Spiliotopoulou on Unsplash
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