A million flowers in seeds waited to bloom in smiles, And become the muse of a poet to versify his dreams, But the dark clouds of winter still in enraged dance, Oh’, is that future an unwritten fate like my life in love?
The meaning of light meaningless for a born blind, The meaning of music meaningless for born deaf, When choices unknown to heart and soul for a lover, His love becomes a pillar of foundation for his existence.
Oh’, lover of mine, why thou distracts from your love? When love of yours was a selfless act of purity, Why walk over the coals to test the sanctity of thy heart? Why not let me carry you through times that make you tired?
Those million flowers will bloom into a magnificent spring, That’s the inevitability you and I know in all surety, That raven calls will be replaced by singing sparrows, But let us celebrate the season of love today in our hearts.
Oh’, the vicious torments of loneliness enjoyed, Their taunting upon my soul and through veins, Fueling fiendish thoughts deep in my mind, About the one, she claims she loves instead of me.
A murderer I am not so safe he will be from my wrath, A conjurer of cheap tricks I am not so safe her love will be, Anger and violence, skepticism and silence are not what I seek, As my own solace stood ground in learning earned, respect in honor.
Lost I am not in my own soliloquy, but mind kept on speaking, Lost I am not in a love triangle, for I know she heard my heartbeat, Every time I feel her touched by another I feel the pain of soul, Ah’, the past time, present time and future ways tell, “why she hurts,”,
“Why she hurts her own conscience, with migrating mirages?” And through the wilderness, the aching soul of mine wanders, Oh’, the rest of my life I curse myself to live alone in prayers, To erase every meaning of my life meant to happen to me,
As nothing ever makes meaning to me without her love.
The nights have passed through the gentle mind of mine, How wonderful stars are in the frigid cold of Wisconsin winter, Those stars look like knights in armor bearing shields and spears, I said to mind “Keep wondering why only two eyes see this in awe.”.
How much about the past I wrote, from what in mind I spoke, How much about the future I dreamed, from thoughts I well weaved, How much more unwritten I left, from all the hurdles I faced, How many times my sad faces I forcefully erased, when loveless I stood.
Ah! the world is a wonderful place for the enlightened, And through my enlightened mind, I see light filling, From every corner of horizons bringing peace to minds, And I prayed to bring peace to her mind where she holds,
Love meant to bring peace to my eyes, heart, and my soul. And then my conscience as if awakened by a shock to mind spoke, “I have spoken all these years without hearing a word of love, Never have I heard the meaning of love by another defined to me,”,
“Why would I listen to more of these bloodless phantoms in soul speak? Follow dreams made with cobwebs and broken bones of childish pranks, Oh’, let the lover in her speak from her heart, let her speak her true love, And listen I will and shower blessings to wipe your happy tears.”.
Conscience went back to sleep after his protests in whining, I looked up at the stars again and called the lover in me, Who shown me yet another pattern in the faraway stars that told, The written fate of conscience showering blessings wiping happy tears.
Think not about me if you cannot see me in mind’s eyes, Speak not to me if no love for me in you ever felt, Haven’t you already know the unknowns about emotion? Those that blended with reality and brought me to you.
New day birthed inevitably and but brought along, A new reality you and I received so unexpectedly, I drained every bit of my pulsating heart and heard, The weeping of a lover, still musing about your love.
The craft of deception, O’, well known to lovers, To know the truth of love Ah’, what games many plays, In such a game the arrows fired hurt one’s heart and lay, Passionless, dreamless, and meanings lost vagabond.
Wake up the adulthood, O’ the lover who lives my love, Mute the world around and hear the beat of thy heart, Where you will hear the verses by your own soul written, If in it my eyes you don’t see, forgive my mischief in kindness.
Loveliness touched my lips when her name I uttered, The very breath that came with her name, warmed a whole winter, Taunted by the pleasantness, her image in words I versed, And thoughts became dreams, where happiness she and I defined.
I looked up and I looked down, and I looked deep within myself, To feel the pleasantness again and again and indeed I succeeded, Back I brought from childhood days of all my pleasant thoughts, And one by one they fell short of the pleasantness I felt about her.
Though it’s cold in mid-winter blast, I still held up an icicle, From the blazing sun above and the warmth of mine, it bloomed, Like a while rose in the haste of the season of colors and love, Ah’, every corner I looked in the dead of winter’s curse and found,
The loveliness of her spread sprouting from my heart, Is this what they call the happiness of all of my love? Is this yet another definition of a new birthed time? Or is this the foley of the devil to drive me mad?
All those questions into thin air asked and walked with smiles, Then all knowledge came with a spiritual touch and made me ask, About what happiness in all truth, honesty, and belief meant to me, Then to happiness I asked, “aren’t you, my darling girl in all definitions?”.
On a December eve I saw a shining sun cruise, Far into west where he hid his long lost love, Lonely walker, I walked to east where my love, Busy bee at work where I joined her in job.
Christmas music played out loud as people shopped, Bargains they all sought even with their wallets full, Sought and bought all they liked and maybe more, I made many smile, some I made laugh out loud.
I saw her walk and talk and then looked me and smile, Then warned me not to use my phone as I am distracted, I smiled and obeyed like a child at his teacher’s command, She has the passion of a rocket to push sales up high.
Her beauty none easily noticed, mall walkers looked past her They all got a smile from her, my love, the beauty of Bayshore That moment when I called her that in mind sprouted, A fountain of new birthed feeling, blossomed bettering my love.
Evening ran in a train and caught the night and tired we all stood, We all together came, me and her and old Karen stood, I took my camera that can capture up and down and all around, And took a picture of us where she rested on a table with a smirk.
The only image of me and my love together, I wish we knew better, I love her still but her heart far felt; still what felt was dipped in love, Love I once felt looking in her eyes and the love I still see in her image, Love in all passion I can never deny, love her world wants her to deny.
Deceive I cannot amidst the blistering cold, Though through every vein run blood hot as hell, Deceive I cannot my own conscience and turn, Away from who I am and what I want to be.
Deceive I cannot the saints and Angels to whom I prayed, Through every breathe awoke and some nights without sleep, Deceive I cannot the girl to whom I gave my word, That nothing ever in world will change my mind away from her.
Deceive I cannot my own senses that ran wild, In my thoughts and well-weaved dreams about my darling girl, Every bit of my future life I dreamt, thought, and planned with her, Deceive I cannot the passions that built my emotions of love.
Deceive I cannot the coming days when I better my love, My love for her who loves me beyond all hopes and dreams, Still in some thoughts and passions of life’s adventure Or some sadness from my words felt and gave a thorn in my heart.
Deceive I cannot these dreamless days and nights, Where every living moment I learn to love her more, Deceive I cannot by moving on from my thoughts, That only completes with her lovely smiling face.
Songs I sang in childhood days, Ah! they filled, My mind to sway like in that swing I sat, Every time up I went saw the future ways so clear, Every time down I came, a face I saw in mind so dear.
Never I remembered that face when youth took my hands, And through the wilderness of life in all spirits, I ran, The ways of mine of so wonderful I thought and the world, Those ways disappeared like a mirage into a past I forgot.
Love came and went and became a grammarless myth, Life became a hard rock song with a melancholy as a riff, Untamed wrote, loud and clear sang, but paused before start, About my dreams, I told none, as the one in there never smiled.
Youth never left though middle-age with all his might tried, To masquerade my features with rough and tough looks so bare, Still, to bring the youth out I smile at people known and unknown, All smiled back with greetings pure, except the girl in my dreams.
Alas, she left my hand in my dream and took the hand of another, Who still can show a feature or two I left in my youthful days, Why these ways I have never seen when on that swing I sat? I asked my conscience and my nights became dreamless dark.
A song from my youth through my saddened mind churned, I closed my tears-filled eyes and sang that song, In a flash that swing I saw, empty it swayed in a windless day, And then I saw that face now all grown up sitting on that swing.
Tears-filled she sang the songs of my childhood days, But gave a pretty smile, for me to remember my lost love.
Little by little leafless trees moved, ah’, what deception, As the howling wind, all his might slowly gathered, Pinewood cracked and fell, and Oaks shed their barks, The army of the storm to attack at will unleashed.
Such are the images that envelop every eye, When about a storm a poet from his heart speak, The storm in my mind, Oh’, a different kind, When unleased to give all who reads a painful adventure.
There once lived a man who lit a little lamp, Fueled by his heartbeat and heat from his soul, That little flame carried the symbol of his life and love, Brightened when he met a girl his soul wished and felt,
As the twin flame who he searched all through his life, She thought about him for many months and seasons, And found no way in this wild and wicked world to love, That man, his ways and failed in love to understand.
Every moment about him she thought and every thought became, A little movement of a leafless tree or a broken branch, As years passed those little ripples in air became a storm unleashed, Chasing that little flame in the little lamp fueled by his loving soul.
Dragged through the spring rain, summer heat, and fallen leaves, The frozen grounds where old man winter danced in ecstasy, He moved and moved and moved to keep the flame alight, Life left on one side wept and dragged along all torn.
All through the chase to erase the kindled lamp, All through time and space and all efforts failed, When fallen down tired to see a change in her face, She took the hand of another man and unleased,
The regrouped storm as if in a newfound vengeance, Ah’, gathered he all his strength and stood upright, With only prayers for her and his ultimate union, The storm chased on and on in relentless pursuit and failed.
When such stories are told people in laughs walk away, Reality, Oh’, at times becomes an ugly, nasty monster, When he smiled the poet too smiled knowing well, Love for her in him will never be lost in any storms unleashed.
The world in all its awe wide and spread, Time traveled through the world dragging her foot, Still the aroma of freshness of all creations, Blossomed in the past of mist and mystery.
Ah’, days of childhood how wonderful they were, Days I learned the ways of the divine, Days that brought me this far, Days that melted the mists of morrows,
Thousands of reasons stood, gazed, screamed, And many wept in protests for what they disagreed, All caused chaos, confusion but above all in many ways, Gave me a smile to survive the unknowns ahead.
“Oh’, God, I pray that among the unknowns be not love, For I know from childhood till this day I loved, From here to the hereafter let me love that one soul, You brought to my eyes and ears, giving me hopes on hopes.”.
With that prayer memorized I woke from a dream to find, The most beautiful morning with snow-covered domes, The warmth of the thick and soft blanket gone, But the warmth of love between her and me remained.