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I have no idea how this poem came to my mind. Maybe it is a wish laying deep in my mind. I wrote it so fast, I just was not knowing how it will end. I think it ended well mmmxs
Overwhelming Love.
Bright, pleasant paths I’ve seen,
With flower bushes beside filled,
Soft and dry, even the bare foot won’t pain,
Oh’ those paths I see,
When upon your eyes I look.
When your smiles blushes my heart,
Those paths become paths to your heart.
To the ground I asked,
What great deed the ground did
For getting your footprints,
And the ground said…
A God given gift for carrying all sinners,
The steps of an angelic beauty,
Caressing and adoring,
For some comfort from all the pain.
Those eyes have the serenity
Of nature in full bloom,
That smile have the sanctity
Of all beauty seen and unseen,
The living will be blessed in joy,
The dead blessed with eternity.
Glad I am in meeting those eyes,
As pleasantness is what those eyes sprout.
To every thought that came to my mind,
Before I said a word about those feelings of mine,
You acknowledged in acceptance all my thoughts.
More than five senses of yours I feel,
The sixth with love of yours filled,
And the love of yours for me overwhelming,
As no more words from my knowledge I can say,
And to return the love so freely you gave,
A lifetime is not enough to fulfill.
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