Love And Packers.

I am writing a new poem, so my poetry fans… my apologies fornot bringing it out today, I jus don’t feel like it is done. Well I am going togive you something else.  This is from anemail I wrote to a friend who recently broke up with his girlfriend. He isPhilly Eagles fan and wrote to me yesterday about one of his talk with his nowex-girlfriend and in the end he wrote this “i’m sure you were a bit of aneagles fan today…as well as your mighty packers! ;)” The initial part of myreply cannot be given her as that involves some personal stuff. The second partis a mix of both. You all may like it, especially if you are a Greenbay PackersFan.

Now Packers, one more loss by Cowboys and Packers winthrough it all.. They are number one. Yes I loved Eagles I loved the play callby Andy Reid don’t go for the touchdown lets win the game. I told you if hewere the coach of Packers.. they would’ve screwed all theseplayers on the field and would’ve screwed their wives in their homes too. But Ilove this season, the Packers started with nothing and now they have everythingthey asked for. It is up to them to decide what they should do with thisamazing opportunity they have with them. It is a matter of belief,understanding and execution of both. The same applies to real life too, bepatient, this round you may fail but lets wait for the next to come around,life is cyclical it brings back to you things in a better way in the nextcycle. If you did not learned from this cycle of life, you will do the samestupid mistakes next time around. The Packers learned that with a QB with his17 years of experience even he made mistakes, we all still make mistakes.However like the Packers pulled themselves up from it all, you too have to pullyourself out and face it, survive it and get over it. It takes time,understanding and belief in you, none of these will come easy, and it requirescareful planning and proper execution. Look at what Favre did; study the playsof the opponent almost all the time. As for you, go through each and everysituation, how it all happened, who all were in there, what they said, whatthey done. This will tell you what should be avoided next time around. Andbelieve me, there is always another girl, a better girl, probably a betterloving girl. As for Packers, there is playoffs and something better than that,superbowl.

Have a great week all of you and enjoy watching this video… it is fantastic as we can hear what these players are talking about which when we watch games could only imagine what they were talking about.

ESPN Soundtracks with Brett Favre

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