Smile Of The Snowman

I thought I will sleep at 11:00PM but as I slept till3:00PM how will I sleep is a good question. Well I talked to mysister after a long time. She is happy. Today was warm here at leastthat’s what the weather man on T.V said. In the evening I went to thegrocery store, it was warm I bought food for the rest of the week.Well that’s all in this Sunday. Next Sunday what will I do is aquestion. I have a guitar I may play that all day. Well I don’t knowhow to play that is the only problem. It was bought as a stressbuster. Still I may play that in the best possible way. I want toavoid watching that super bowl damn can’t believe Packers are notplaying.

The poem, when snow falls all around one thing thatstands in every neighborhood, snowman, what do we see on him, a smileand after winter will be gone we still may remember the snowman aswhat we can remember of him, his smile. Here is what came of thatthought.

SmileOf The Snowman.

The mid winter evening fell prey to thegathering,
Of the dark clouds from west came andspread,
All around the horizon like an invadingarmy.
Then upon everything fell, the whitemischief of nature.

The next morning woke up to a feet ofsnow,
Then in the fun of all took birth thesnowman,
His big bulky belly and thin hands,
No clothes but a hat, but all smiled atthe well drawn smile.

He stood like the warrior guarding thetown,
The freeze gave him more life everyday,
All who looked at him smiled and walkedby,
And kids and grownups all at him waved.

The freeze went with the arrival of thenesting days,
The trees shook away the last bit offrost,
Little birds squeaked with all theirbody strength,
The snowman went underground as onlyhis hat can be seen.

As flowers bloomed and later warmth ofsummer came,
In golden evenings everyone scatteredin summer fun,
The games of love once more played withfull hands,
And love left with the golden rays ofthe evening sun.

When the soul was once more leftunloved,
Looking at the dusty torn hat Iremembered,
The only realistic smile my mind canremember,
The smile of the snowman in that winterfreeze.


Pink Floyd – High Hopes

This is a great song one of my favorites of Pink Floyd. It really gets on ones nerves and plays from within…

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A New Life

I don’t know how life works. It got the strangest waysand one likes it or not there are ways one must pass. Then in thoseways one will see many things some can only come to a certaindistance then one must leave it for something new.

Enjoy the weekend everyone.

ANew Life.

The echoes of a lost love rumbled,
As the beauties walked away in parades,
Consuming the spring and summer of alife,
But the parades in their own misstepsfailed.

The dragging of the mind from thedepths felt,
And gladness from deep sleep slowlywoke,
The feeling of the fall winds allaround felt,
And life in the cold drizzles soaked.

Who came from where, eyes scanned,
What words heard ears in stiffnesslistened,
Nothing known to five sense felt,
And life just left in shadows,perplexed.

Oh’ you Angel, the Angel of heartbeats,
It is your naughtiness nature carries,
You the one upon the rays of morningsun comes,
Coloring the colorless, brightening thedark, mind.

The magic of your love so magnificent,
Turning every drop of drizzle tokisses,
Turning every dying leaf to scentedblossoms,
Defeating the mindless thoughts of lostlove.

The warmth of you love so spectacular,
In those glowed the tilted earth,
And at the end of the year felt thesummer warmth,
Mind deeper and deeper dragged, intothe ocean of love.

Oh when in your hug you hold mind andbody,
Sprouting from the depths of your soul,love,
Merging soul into your soul andweaving,
With forgotten dreams, the cloak of anew life.


Michelle Branch – Goodbye To You

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About The First Romantic Feelings.

Things changed over night, the Indian company out but the client came for me. A little more money and breathing space to find a job in the exact place I wanted to be. So it is good news.
 Not a lot going on other than watching all these politicians attacking each other and finding justifications in attacking. Then come and hug and kiss all in the name of democracy. The last I heard about real democracy, I think it is the peoples will the politicians must implement. Now this is a collective dictatorship we have, the one democratic part is we all get mesmerized by the non stop ads by various candidates. I watched them all and felt at one point or the other that this guy is good, the I heard another guy I felt this guy is good, Then the lady was good then I went full blown crazy and threw the remote away. After half and hour I took the remote and started watching ESPN. I addicted to T.V now.
 The poem, I recently was thinking what makes people love each other. Total strangers come together see, talk, learn about each other and have good understanding that fills in their life love they may enjoy the rest of their lives. Then I thought what do I know about it. When was it, who was the girl on the other side. Then I thought about what many of my friends and colleagues told me about that first moment of love. It is a very important moment in a human life. Many just forget it….because they are probably way too young to record it in their memory in the explosion of hormones, emotions and passion. Most retrace that moment like I did. Then there are those who keep it the rest of their life. These thought made me write this poem


AboutThe First Romantic Feelings.

The beauty of the coconut palms and sea blended,
Into the depths of rivers, lakes and canals,
Where every step from the depth of soul spread,
Into the life and in turn life in that little heartfilled,
Love for everything alive in soliloquy known to none.

The school days with arts and music filled,
And evenings between the page of books spent,
The glow upon that face everyone known,
The glow of a wonderful soul in innocence grew,
And none known, as in the comfort of his own loveforgot,
Mind filling with poetry of love the world may know.

On an evening when he left bat and ball,
And walked through the narrow alleys just in thought,
Imaginations took every step in directions unknown,
Oh’ he saw her in all her youthful beauty walking by,
Then all imaginations like a kaleidoscopic imageperfected,
The beauty of love in his mind blended and to his veinsfilled,
With all the perfection in everything he learned,
Now become the enjoyment of not just one soul,
But to the soul that learned all he is with one look inhis eyes,
And loved all the perfections he loved too,
The first romantic feelings of two souls, in love meantto be one.


Here I am posting a different song. As the starting of the poem is a little description of the town I was born in India. I thought I will use the music of that town too.  This is a song from a movie, this is a dream scene where the local music, traditions in dress and dance form is used.

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The Lonely Gardner.

The following poem is a test. Failing the test will have severe consequences. Read the poem very carefully, the lesson is
in the poem, there can’t be any questions, if you still have any ask me. You need to figure out what is the test by reading
 this poem. I am posting this poem earlier than the test. Starting 6:00PM Eastern Time in United States Of America on
November 13th 2006 my readers will have 24 hours to pass the test. Keep in mind asking me questions will not extend
the finishing time of the test. The test will end exactly at 6:00PM Eastern Time in United States Of America on
November 14th 2006.


Good Luck.


This is me stitting on the edge of a fountain in front of the Eddie Bauer store in Kansas City. This picture was taken by
my brother on October 23rd 2006.

The Lonely Gardner.


The strip of barren land I own,

Upon which weeds and wild plants grew,

With creepers through land crawling,

As upwards to climb nothing they found.


With spade and scissors a long time I spent,

Cutting and cleaning and the land I ploughed,

Sowed the seeds of flowers and many roots I planted,

All in order and in order they grew.


The violets and bluebells spread through the strip,

The tulips behind them in aristocracy stood,

The roses spread pleasantness in mind with smiles of their own,

And orchids blossomed showing kaleidoscopic patterns.


Days I spent in keeping the garden bright and clean,

As eyes of mine and my minds eyes in happiness stared,

And with satisfaction of my own expression,

With smiles in the middle of the garden I stood.


Even when the garden in bright colors stood,

Onlookers from far away looked and with murmurs went,

Their eyes I can’t see as far away they were,

But none said a word as none close to me came.


Then there are those, whom I thought close to me they were,

They in silence wandered around, did they looked or not, I know not,

Mystery my mind love, but sometime many mystery hurts,

And unknowing what the world thinks about my construction,

Tired I sat, watching my own smiles fading away.


Then conscience asked why not build a wall around,

So that none will see the beauty about which none speaks,

The beauty of the garden only myself will enjoy,

That which for the world I constructed,

For my own satisfaction forever will exist.


I will grow more flowers and green smooth grass,

Forever the sight in my mind will live,

In those sights the sound of soul I will hear,

The soul of mine alone will sing in the happiness of mine.



“If you want to comment on my poems please visit and post your comments in LonelyPoet.Com all the poems that are
posted in this site will be there in LonelyPoet.Com“.

Overwhelming Love.

The book Age Of Survival my collection of poems is available in all major online book outlets.


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I have no idea how this poem came to my mind. Maybe it is a wish laying deep in my mind. I wrote it so fast, I just was not knowing how it will end. I think it ended well mmmxs 

Overwhelming Love.


Bright, pleasant paths I’ve seen,

With flower bushes beside filled,

Soft and dry, even the bare foot won’t pain,

Oh’ those paths I see,

When upon your eyes I look.

When your smiles blushes my heart,

Those paths become paths to your heart.


To the ground I asked,

What great deed the ground did

For getting your footprints,

And the ground said…

A God given gift for carrying all sinners,

The steps of an angelic beauty,

Caressing and adoring,

For some comfort from all the pain.


Those eyes have the serenity

Of nature in full bloom,

That smile have the sanctity

Of all beauty seen and unseen,

The living will be blessed in joy,

The dead blessed with eternity.


Glad I am in meeting those eyes,

As pleasantness is what those eyes sprout.

To every thought that came to my mind,

Before I said a word about those feelings of mine,

You acknowledged in acceptance all my thoughts.

More than five senses of yours I feel,

The sixth with love of yours filled,

And the love of yours for me overwhelming,

As no more words from my knowledge I can say,

And to return the love so freely you gave,

A lifetime is not enough to fulfill.




“If you want to comment on my poems please visit and post your comments in LonelyPoet.Com all the poems that are posted in this site will be there in LonelyPoet.Com“. It is not necessary for you to register in LonelyPoet.Com to leave a comment there.

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